The most prominent print design styles for 2021

The most prominent print design styles for 2021

There are technical considerations when implementing a print design, of course implementing designs for social media or for the web in general is a task that may seem daunting sometimes, but at least it may not seem difficult in relation to implementing designs that will be printed on paper or fabrics or others, it requires a lot of adjustment, and therefore we will review together the rules Implementation of designs with the intention of printing them, then we review together the best print designs and the most prominent trends in print design that appeared during 2021

The most important rules for implementing a print design for customers

1- Use of texts in design

The number of fonts used in typographic designs should not exceed a maximum of 3 fonts. The spacing between the written characters must also be taken into account. It must not be too wide as well as not to be too close together. The goal here or the goal is to make the printed text readable.

2- Use appropriate fonts for text

If the user makes an effort of 20% to read a text in a design on social media, when trying to read texts that are included in printed design, he will not make an effort of 5%, so if we take into account in most designs the use of suitable and easily readable fonts, this will be a priority when designing for the printing press, which means you should stay away from tangled or overlapping lines.


3- Use high-resolution photos

It seems inevitable to repeat that the rules of preparing web designs may intersect with the preparation of a print design that will enter the printing press, but when designing print there will be an emphasis on some rules, a social media designer may not care to know the difference between RGB and CYMK colors, although knowing the difference The responsibility of each designer, but we may not overlook this with a designer for the printing press, the use of high-quality images is very important in all designs, but when designing for print, it should not be ignored, and the designs should be sent to the printing press in CYMK colors.

If it is difficult, you can buy ready-made high-quality photos, in order to avoid pixelated and cluttered prints, especially since ready-made photos are taken by experts and are really ready to print directly.


4- Watch the margins

If your designs will be printed in a catalog, brochure, or any multi-page product, you should pay close attention to the margins, which of course requires knowledge of the sizes, whether for the pages on which the designs will be printed or for the designs themselves, you may find there is a white edge on one side, and on the other side losing part of your design.


5- Don’t forget the colors

After sending the designs to the printing press in CYMK colors, which are known to be specialized in printing, unlike RGB colors that are used for web designs, you have to use colors to communicate messages that are of interest to the customer, and by referring to our previous articles, we realize that each color has an emotional response in the mind, for example, the yellow color does not perform the same the feeling that cyan conveys, this is of course information that every designer knows.


6- Pay attention to the priority of information

We are reminded of the importance of the sequence of information and its priority. For example, if the design aims to hold an exhibition, the information is the most important about what is being displayed. If the phrase “Wait for the exhibition” is placed in the middle of the design in a large font as the most important information, this will not help the reader about what this exhibition is, and whether it is for a book, or For handicrafts or furniture, and so on, so you must put the most important information in the most prominent place and write it in the largest font, then according to the priority of the rest of the information is distributed, so that the information is effective, and more attractive.


7- Request a trial copy from the printing press

Especially if you are working on print designs quantities, never hesitate to ask for a trial copy, so that there is no mistake that you can avoid, and you realize this error after it has been printed on thousands of copies already, so the trial version facilitates the review well on all the elements, and you have to leave Time for the possibility of modification and you are ready for it, usually things do not go as you want the first times, whether because of you or because of the printing press or for reasons beyond your control, but with time and continuous improvement you will find that the printing comes out exactly as you wanted, and at the time, give the green light to continue printing.

The most prominent print design styles for 2021

Best Print Design Styles for 2021

With the constant development of design trends, we know that for each year there are different trends that you find imposing themselves strongly, in a field that can be updated not only every year, but every day if not every hour, you have to run until you gasp to catch up with the modern trends, as each sits Designer to his device to implement designs with the latest methods and methods, but he does not have a state of complete saturation, so his eyes are on the following method, and in a world obsessed with constant updating and continuous keeping pace, this is how the highest trends around the implementation of print designs during the year 2021

1- 3D

Although it has dominated the design field for a long time, 3D design is still on top, with the announcement of the rise of metaverse technologies and virtual worlds. Recently, with high internet speeds and advanced technology, we expect that there will be a boom in 3D designs as well.

2- Emoji designs

Despite its primitiveness, the constant use of emojis on social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and others always puts them in the spotlight, and despite the great technological development, a large segment of designers still tends to be simple, using emojis can clarify the tone we speak, if it is funny. or serious or sympathetic or otherwise.

3- Inspired by nature

Mother nature can never be abandoned when preparing designs, whether typographical or otherwise, and modern trends cannot displace it. Whatever happens, man’s connection with nature will continue to dominate all his ideas, and from this point of view, designs inspired by nature, especially plants and greenery, came to the list of designers’ concerns.

4 – illusion

This type of designs still attracts the attention of users, and there is no doubt that designers work for people, of course they will always seek to dazzle and draw their attention, and therefore it will be part of their interest in users and their preferences, giving them a part of what they are accustomed to in designs, and remember the first times when you were talking To your folks about Photoshop and how it was thought of as photo manipulation and optical illusion creation, well maybe things will be put back to their origins.

Implementing a print design means that there are a lot of things to focus on. We do not say that web designs are easy or unimportant, but print has its own calculations, and when you deal with quantities, you must be careful, and for the best print design methods that we have shown, rest assured, you can Communicate with Ocoda Design to implement the latest designs, as you want and according to your brand and express it in the best possible way, as we have a selection of the best designers with experience and high efficiency.

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