Double your knowledge about profile design

Double your knowledge about profile design and why it is important

Profile design is a joint effort between the talented content writer and the creative graphic designer. Collaboration of integration. Content cannot be presented without a great design that highlights it and makes it bright. Nor can the profile design alone be dealt with without the content that explains it and makes it clear, and we will talk here about the way that is done It has the design of the corporate profile, and how companies can benefit from it. The corporate profile is an important aspect of promoting and enhancing the brand image. People always like what has a history that inspires the present, rather than a present without history even if it charts the future. Are you curious to know some information about Corporate profile? Let’s start the journey!

What is the company profile?

It is a written text, often long that can be up to 10 pages, but some companies want it to be a summary of no more than two pages, divided into several sections, this text is an introduction that describes the company’s activity, story, history, and statements about its founders, social responsibility, vision, and mission And if a company provides services to clients, it mentions the most prominent clients, and if the company provides products, it mentions its most prominent products, in addition to the contact information. Writer and designer for professional and attractive profile design.

Benefits of the company profile

There are several benefits to designing a corporate profile, which we will briefly mention in the following points:

  • Presenting the information that potential investors need to make their decision and enter into cooperation with the company.
  • Introducing contact information and company pages on social media platforms and others.
  • Introduce the values and culture of the company in dealing with employees and potential investors in an attempt to attract them.
  • Enhancing the positive image of the company in terms of social responsibility, vision, mission and others.
  • Presenting the company’s growth and its ascent journey in what is considered advertising and marketing for the company and announcing its success data.

How to write a company profile

There are important elements for writing a company profile that cannot be bypassed, which are the important points that you must mention all or most of them in the company profile

1- About company

In it, you generally mention the name of the company and its business activity briefly and then in detail, ie, you mention that the company works in communications and information technology, and you mention that it works in cloud technology, for example, and other branches.

2- Company values ​​and culture

Any company has certain values ​​and culture, whether in work techniques, dealing with clients and partners, or in the work environment with employees, and of course it goes beyond that of social responsibility, as there are many issues such as climate change, or the availability of data and information for everyone.

3- Mission and vision

Any field in which a company enters is to fill a vacuum in the market, whether controlling market prices and applying the competitive approach, or providing new technologies, or providing smart solutions, and thus the mission is linked to the vision through this void, what the company would like to focus on, i.e. the value on which the establishment of The company, this vision, the results the company wants to achieve and that is the mission.

4- The value of products or services

In more detailed points about the mission and vision, and this detail should not be too precise and talk about specialized technical matters, but go through the whole and in brief points about the services or products offered by the company.

5- Clients

Any company is proud of its clients or its partnerships, and this has a reflection on the company itself, as it displays the number and weight of people, bodies and institutions that have a relationship of mutual trust between them, which reassures the potential investor or customer.

6- Teamwork

Some may think that this is not an important point in the companies’ profile, but the truth is important because showing appreciation for the work team as makers of success indicates the existence of a healthy and reassuring work environment for potential investors and employees alike, and it also shows the professionalism of the workers, which means more confidence is added to the company.

7- Tell a story

People love stories, tell a story about the history of the company, the idea in front of its establishment, and the difficulties. The classic story consists of the hero’s journey. The hero here is the company, and how the difficulties were in the beginning and how to pave it until it overcame all obstacles and launched into success. The story connects the company with people with an emotional bond.

8- Testimonials and recommendations

The purpose of creating a profile for a company is to display the trust that others, whether individuals or organizations, give to the company, and thus testimonials and recommendations highlight this trust as best as possible.

9- Contact info

If this profile is on the website under the “About Us” section, you must put the phone number and links to the pages on social media platforms, in addition to the address and its link on map applications, and if this profile is printed or in PDF format, in this case you must mention the website.

How to design a company profile

After we have finished the role of the content writer who shares with the designer the task of designing a professional profile for companies, now we come to the role of the designer in this important process.

1- Colors

Every company or brand has a visual identity that identifies and distinguishes it, and therefore the colors must be expressive of this visual identity when designing a company profile, and also for every color of feeling it generates in people. Red does not equate with blue and black is not the same with green, depending on the field of the company. Define the colors.

2- Fonts

Fonts are usually readable, and this is an intuitive rule, and it does not conflict with the company’s visual identity as well as the direction of the company, you should not use fun fonts with skewed edges and lettering without style in a company working in accounting consulting, of course, serious fonts should be used.

3- Pictures

The photos must be included in the profile and distributed between photos of the company itself, whether headquarters, celebrations, or achievements, as well as photos related to the activity itself, such as illustrations, graphs, and others.

4- Page Format

The design of the company profile should consider the layout of the pages, readability, avoiding clutter on the page as much as possible and not being empty, the distribution of content with images and illustrations should be balanced while adding an artistic touch.

Double your knowledge about profile design

Mistakes to avoid when creating a profile

1- Ignore the target segment

Find out who you are addressing this profile to so you know how to address them

2- Excessive complexity

There is always nothing better than simplicity, avoid complexity to look profound

3- Not displaying achievements

Explain to others your achievements and the fruits of your work so that they trust you and reassure you

4- Ignore sub-headings

In order not to become boring, in addition to the style, the content is divided into sub-headings to make it easier to read

5- Too long or too short

Don’t make the profile too long to cause boredom, or make it short as well, so you don’t deliver your messages in full

6- No spelling and grammatical revision

Spelling errors in the content may lose your customer’s confidence in you, linguistic integrity will reflect seriousness and discipline

7- Tell lies

Do not state false information, don’t tell half the truth to prove incorrect information, speak the truth to gain confidence.

If you want to design a profile for your company, we have in Ocoda an integrated team of content writers and designers, they can produce marketing artwork that achieves your goals and serves your purposes, you can contact us for more details and prices of packages.

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