5 ideas about the effect of motion graphics on branding

5 ideas about the effect of motion graphics on branding

Motion graphics come as one of the most important means of marketing and increasing sales, and the reason for that is that it is fun, we all love it always, which is animation, it’s exploiting the popularity of animation that began long before Adobe After Effect and other programs that were only a means to develop A way of expression that started decades ago, and now marketers and business owners use it to promote their products and services, how did this wonderful art start and what impact did it have on the field of marketing and sales?

Brief history of motion graphics

The term was first used in 1960, when it was first used by animator “John Whitney, after founding Motion Graphics, Inc. to create animated episodes for television, But the actual history started from the 19th century after the term was used in cartoon books that were told in scenes drawn in succession.

Why do we love motion graphics?

It mixes several attractive elements, between the fun story as well as the unique characters and the distinctive voiceover that is exactly right for the story, all of this is done in a wonderful framework that offers you the product and service, so you get stuck in the mind in the best possible way, of course the competition is high, and therefore we need a quality motion graphic service Very high quality and professional execution.

5 Ideas About Attractive Motion Graphics and Its Importance

1- feelings

The best thing about it is that it is full of passion, it creates an emotional bond between the customer and the brand, it works for any brand to humanize this brand, that is, make it human. Did you ask yourself why animated films achieved all this success even though their heroes are animals and sometimes robots or… car? Because it gives it human qualities, such as speech, logic and most importantly feelings, so when we symbolize the brand with a human character, it creates the emotional bond between the brand and the user, which makes them familiar to us, we know them well and realize our closeness to them.

2- Smooth delivery of information

What makes it important is that it gives you the delivery of information in the best possible way, presented by a real character with the same human characteristics, he explains the information to you in an easy way instead of the boring rhetorical method of most users on the Internet, while the motion graphic service presents the information through the medium of an attractive cartoon character in a fun way, Exactly like the difference between a teacher explaining lessons on the board and another showing them on various attractive videos, do you remember the boredom of the first and your joy in the second as a child? So, this method is ideal to include what you want to say with the highest probability that it will reach your users exactly as you want it to be.

3- Can be split and replayed

Any motion video does not exceed a few minutes, although it can be divided into a few seconds, and replayed according to the platform and timing, the video consists of sequential stages, the introduction can be used at any stage, the conclusion can also be used as a permanent logo for your brand and the character can be used as a template My personification of your brand, and what you put on your website is not what you put on YouTube and what you put on Instagram and Snapchat, so it is characterized by that you can divide it and re-display it.

4- You don’t need a lot of focus

One of the advantages of it, is that after implementing it, it does not need a lot of focus to receive it, it is enough to open the video only and merge only with the characters, narration and graphics that flow in front of it, unlike direct text speech in which the user looks at the first sentence and quickly gets bored, unlike the video, especially motion graphics Which conveys information without a great mental effort, as the information sneaks and takes root in the human mind without making much effort, so few people read books, unlike movies and videos that receive a larger audience, and on top of the masses, it come to provide fun and attraction.

5- Shorter duration and greater effectiveness

The maximum duration of any motion graphic video is 3 minutes and can be compressed to 30 seconds, but its effect can be greater than 10 text posts, 5 images or 3 graphic designs. You have a good motion graphic design company that can implement your video in a way that makes it interesting and attractive, unlike the rest of the products you need to convince your customer and spend more and more effort and money to promote it.

5 ideas about the effect of motion graphics on branding

What Makes Motion Graphics Perfect

1- Writing

Writing is the beginning of everything. The content writer has to write the voiceover, and the visualization that the motion designer, or character animator, as well as the animation expert should follow. Of course, there is a great deal of reliance on the attractiveness of drawings and characters and how to animate, but unless you rely on a strong concept, and writing professionally, things will still be incomplete.

2- Drawing characters

Drawing characters comes as an important stage in the stages of motion graphic design and preparation that should not be overlooked, because the characters must not only be attractive, nice or have a beautiful appearance that draws the attention of the customer, but must also interfere with his reality, the user must feel that they express him and that they Close to him, you must take into account that the characters drawn are attractive as well as be sensitive to reality and society, so you want an artist character designer who can draw charming characters, as well as familiar with the reality and culture of the society he addresses and the segment to which this video is directed.

3- Animation

Animation is also among the important steps, because it must be artistic, smooth, attractive, able to stand on the hair between slow and acceleration, so that the video is not slow to the point of boredom, nor is it fast to the point of gasping, which is the degree to which the viewer cannot comprehend the information for the speed of its presentation, so you can tell the animator here must be a “surgeon” grade, his hand is very precise and perfect.

4- Voice Over

The last point in the process of creating a motion graphic video, which although it seems not as important as character design or script writing, but when we talk about voice delivery, the first thing we should describe it is “harmony”, harmony and integration should be the dominant feature among all the elements and most importantly Of course between the image and the movement, and this is a point of course that Motion experts realize that they will bring someone who has a lively voice, appropriate to the nature of the video, and appropriate to the vision of the brand as a whole.


Motion graphic service, in general, are among the most important products that serve the marketing and sales process, and most importantly, they are a basic building block for brand building and promotion, personalizing it and conveying its messages in the best possible way, because, as we said above, it has human features.

In order to design a professional, creative, and appropriate motion graphic for your brand, you can contact Ocoda to know the packages and review previous works.

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