5 ways to take advantage of social media to design digital identity

5 ways to take advantage of social media to design digital identity

Like any brand in the Saudi and global markets, it has a strong brand identity to compete in the market as required, but the question is whether that brand identity is enough to attract customers? brand identity will not be enough without what is known as digital identity. Recent studies on digital platforms in all countries of the world have shown that 7.87 billion people are using these platforms, which is more than half of the world’s population, and 56.8% of the world’s population. This means that more than 9 out of 10 Internet users use digital media every month, and one person may have more than 9 accounts on different digital communication networks, a number that companies and brands today seek to exploit in every way, and for a company or brand to access that huge number of customers and users of digital communication channels must have a unique digital identity to appear in their preferred form.


Maybe now you’re thinking about how you can use digital networking platforms and social media so you can design a digital identity that draws your clients so hard! Ocoda the best digital identity design company in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East will help you in the following article by presenting all the methods and strategies that will make your digital designs special, unique and attractive, so you can compete digitally with all the power and intelligence, so don’t miss that special article!


Article elements:

  1. What is digital identity design?
  2. Where are your customers digitally located?
  3. How do you take advantage of social media to design your digital identity?


First: What is digital identity design service? 

Digital identity design is in fact one of the most important services that companies resort to adopting a distinctive digital presence, the digital identity of any company or brand is the personality that appears on any digital platform or on any social media channel, it is the digital appearance that helps all companies to transmit and communicate their messages digitally with ease and flexibility to all their customers on those digital platforms, where the number of users of social media platforms reaches 53% is equivalent to more than half of the world’s population, and the huge number of customers and consumers on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and other social media platforms can be exploited for any brand by uniquely designing their own digital identity, where digital identity is the design of your logo and all social media designs from page cover, post designs, photo videos, advertising videos, icons and many other comprehensive and complete designs that cover all your company or brand accounts.


Second: where are your customers digitally located?

Before you design your digital identity, you need to know where your customers are digitally located, and what platforms your customers use so much, just each platform that selects and coordinates your digital identity according to the terms of that platform and according to the type of audience as well, as the platforms for social Media vary to Among the most popular apps such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest and many more, we can view some consumer numbers by the platform for 2021 as follows:

  • Facebook has 2.85 billion monthly active users
  • YouTube has 2.29 billion monthly active users
  • WhatsApp has 2.00 billion monthly active users
  • Instagram has 1.38 billion monthly active users
  • Messenger has 1.30 billion monthly active users
  • Tik-Tok has 732 million monthly active users
  • Telegram has 550 million monthly active users
  • Snapchat has 514 million monthly active users
  • Pinterest has 478 million monthly active users
  • Twitter has 397 million monthly active users



Third: How do you take advantage of social media to design your digital identity?

social media platforms with a huge number of customers are a great asset to any company or brand, where you can exploit these platforms in a number of ways that we mention to you in the following paragraphs:


  • Method 1: study your customers:

Through social media platforms, you will be able to study and target your customers in a variety of different ways, through any digital platform that can analyze your customers, their educational, cultural, and social level, their behavior on those platforms, their activity, what they prefer, what they look for across those platforms, the number of hours they spend and when they are on those platforms, but you can see how they prefer to see you, what they want, their problems and requirements so that you can design your digital identity in a way that embodies your ideas that will use your customers.


  • Method 2: Study your competitors:

social media platforms don’t just include customers! It includes all customers and competitors, whether they are companies or individuals, through these platforms, you will be able to search for your competitors, study and analyze them, find their strengths to follow, and weaknesses as well so that you can avoid or exploit them, but by studying your competitors you will be able to design a more powerful and intelligent digital identity by following the methods and strategies that your competitors use to attract customers, and even by studying your competitors you can target your customers through them.


  • Method 3: Targeting your customers:

Across these digital platforms, you will be able to target your customers anywhere, after you have studied your audience and know when, where they are, and how they prefer to see you, you can design a digital identity according to the platforms on which your customers are present, and your identity will be tailored to the type of audience, desires, preferences, customs, and traditions, as well as taking into account its social and cultural level on which your digital personality is determined.


  • Method 4: Digital spreading:

Through Social Media, you will be able to design a unique digital identity, but digital identity alone will not be enough to appear in front of your customers, while with smart social media platform tools that will enable you to interact with your customers clearly, to spread digitally among all users by sharing your posts, commenting and interacting with all your accounts on social media, which will help you reach more users and customers very quickly using the power of social Media, which will help you develop and shape your digital identity according to What your customers love.


  • Method 5: Marketing campaigns:

social media platforms allow you to create large marketing campaigns to reach the largest number of customers in a little while, with this huge feature you can display your digital identity and personality digitally through those campaigns to reach all your customers accurately by targeting customers with ease, and through these campaigns, you can increase the number of followers on all your accounts on Social Media, as well as increase interaction and spread on all those platforms to prevail among your competitors with all the power.


These are some ways to take advantage of social media platforms and digital communication channels to design a modern and powerful digital identity for any brand, so if you want a professional digital identity design service to prevail among your competitors digitally, Ocoda is the best digital identity design company in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East ready to work with a skilled team and an expert of top creative designers, feel free to communicate with us now!

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