7 Tips for Effective and Successful Brochure Design

7 Tips for Effective and Successful Brochure Design

Whether you are in your car, on your feet, in the store or in the shopping center, everywhere, marketing brochures will surprise you with their colors, shapes and designs, trying to attract your attention until you read their content, and this is the essence of the brochure… “Getting Your Attention”

If the brochure fails to attract your attention, it will end up in the trash, but if it succeeds, it will be kept because the offers you are promoting are really worth, or not, these are secondary matters… The important thing is that your customer opens the brochure and reads its content

What is meant by the word brochures?

Brochures are marketing brochures and also include catalogs that companies print and distribute in their stores or branches or even give to people on the streets, usually in crowded areas, traffic lights, shopping centers, etc.

Printed brochures are still very popular, but there is a trend recently trying to promote a digital one that can be circulated online and dispense with the printed one, in order to save paper as well as costs, but the printed paper brochure still prevails in some places.

Brochures come as a single sheet, double or triple, and include advertising for products, vouchers, discount offers, even food menus, and more.


Do we need printed brochures in the age of the Internet?

Look around you 15 years ago, and think about how many things disappeared from your life or diminished dependence on them, starting with paper newspapers, books as well as even school curricula, which have become online in most cases, the digital revolution ended many elements of our lives and we were able to rely on our phones and computers and dispense with Lots of “physical” things, do we need a printed brochure?

According to a market research company, printed brochures are stronger, more persuasive, more memorable, and able to direct customers to buy or order more service, so it seems that we will still rely on brochures for a later period.


Brochure Design: Content Isn’t Always King

Bill Gates launched in 1996 his famous saying “Content is the king” to highlight the value of the content and its superiority over the rest of the visual and other elements. The content won’t be read, it won’t spark curiosity in anyone, it won’t catch anyone’s eye… Either way, design is a hook, unless it’s convincing, you’ll come back from your customer hunting trip empty-handed. So, here are the top tips for brochure design and how you can implement it creatively and effectively.


7 tips on how to design an attractive and effective brochure

1- Know who you are targeting in the brochure first

You have to know your ideal customer, who you direct your marketing to, you must specify a specific age group, a specific lifestyle, a specific category, and thus direct your messages to them, so that each of them feels that you made this brochure for him, that this brochure is actually directed to him, the more you know your ideal customer I knew his preferences and tastes the faster you reached him and created the connection between you and him, and thus I was able to design a perfect brochure for him. For example, what you say to young graduates who are making their way in the career path you will not say to mothers over the age of forty, the texts, graphics, and images when designing the brochure differ. Depending on the category to which it is directed.


2- Choose your photos, graphics and fonts very carefully

First, choose high-resolution images. Before anything, you must understand the printing process, how it will go, what type of paper you will print on, and everything, and whether you just display it on the Internet and social media, or print it on paper, you must choose high-resolution images.

Also, images and graphics here, just like text, can attract the customer and can make him hate your brochure because it annoyed him. Images and graphics as well as fonts also differ according to the target group, as well as must correspond to your brand identity, and this is what we will talk about in the next paragraph.


3- Consider your brand identity

If you have developed your own “brand identity”, you must make sure that your brand identity already exists. The brand identity must be identified by the colors used, the tone used in the marketing messages, the approved fonts, the type of images, symbols or graphics used by the brand, The brochure should not conflict with your brand identity, and at the same time not conflict with your target audience, is a difficult but golden formula for success.


4- Select the brochure fold format

There are about 15 ways to shape the brochure, specifically the way to fold it, there is double folding, there is triple folding, there is the gate, and there is parallel folding, and your choice of the appropriate folding method depends on the content. You get your reader to go in a certain sequence so you can try the eight-sided folding method, or something else similar.


5- Select the purpose of the brochure

What do you want from a brochure design? Focus on that, Do you want to visit the branch? Connection? Data recording? Keep the coupon? You must have a clear and decisive CTA or call to action, you should not design brochures in the air, set the goal and accordingly take into account the design method and targeted messages, any brochure with an unknown goal will not lead to any results, and the cost of time, effort and money for nothing.


6- Evaluate the design after it is completed

Now.. that you have finished designing, consider yourself not the owner of the brochure or the one who designed the brochure, ask yourself carefully: is it initially attracting attention? Is its cover striking? If so, is its content useful? Did it make me have a reaction? Did it get me excited about the product and make me know more about it? Evaluate the design after completion with a critical eye, with the view of the average person.


7- Design brochures worth buying

We come to an important aspect, but if you can reconcile the needs of your target segment at the same time with your brand identity, and in the end you were also able to produce a brochure with aesthetic characteristics that makes it retainable, then you have succeeded in creating long-term advertising for your brand, and created sincerity Automatically with customers who will respect your brand to the point of being forced to buy brochures, not a painting or artwork.

A reward for those who get here.. Specialized tips on designing a brochure

– The first page should contain one clear, short and bold message.

– Use illustrative charts and graphs if you want to prove information through real data.

– Put the content in the middle within each section as much as possible.

– Match the pictures and cut them next to each other with careful fingers as if you are detonating a bomb.

– Do not use more than two or three colors at the latest, so as not to hurt your reader’s eyesight.

– Don’t make the advertising brochure crowded, leave enough space so as not to hurt your reader’s eye.


Finally, Brochure design is very important, it may lead to your customers getting attached to you, or make them feel that your brand is boring and insistent and begging customers in any way because their products or services are not suitable and no one wants them, but if you can design great brochures, you may move your brand to the top Contact Ocoda now.

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