9 mistakes in Logo Design for your company

9 mistakes in Logo Design for your company…9 mistakes in Logo Design for your company… Beware! Beware!

In a world dominated by digitization, logo design becomes an important step in the business cycle for any company that wants to launch its brand, because it is the best and most capable tool to carry the company’s messages in a concise, useful, attractive, and unforgettable

Every company has a” value ” that it wants to deliver to its customers, which competitors do not have, such as: trust, security, modernization, commitment, Speed, Mastery… Etc.

There is nothing better than a professionally designed logo with a creative touch and a logo fit for the brand, which enables it to highlight these values, especially since it addresses the mind as well as the unconscious.

Each element of the logo evokes a certain feeling in those who see it: colors, fonts, background… And the rest of the elements.

Together we review the most famous mistakes companies make when ordering a design, get ready.

The importance of Logo Design in marketing

Step by step in order not to fall into the trap of complexity, research shows us that images or visual materials are more memorable than text or audio materials, that is, we feel more familiar with images than we feel about texts, and also because research shows that 59% of consumers prefer to go for the brand they already know, that is, the familiarity between them, logo design according to marketing fundamentals and professional standards that create familiarity between them and the consumer, makes customers feel that they already know your brand.

Conclusion: a good logo design creates a bond between the brand and between customers, speeds up the marketing process, saves a lot of efforts and money.

Corporate mistakes when designing a logo

And now we move on to the mistakes that most companies make when asking for a logo design, producing a great and appropriate logo is the responsibility of the designer or design company, but there are many things that companies must realize about designing a logo for their brand.

1- “Someone gave me a lower price”

Every person is willing to pay the least amount for any service or good that he receives. He would even like to take it for free if it was available, but unfortunately, as we require services of certain standards, we have to anticipate their price. The good is not as bad, nor is the expert as the novice. The best way is to take quotes from the professionals, and match them to the quality you want with your budget, rather than setting a budget without considering market prices.

2- “We want a logo design”

The design process and often the idea is also the responsibility of the designer and the design company, and sometimes someone can design a good logo without setting specific goals, goals or preferences, but these are rare and exceptional cases, you have to provide the designer with the value you have, the target segment, even your suggestions, and of course provide him with brand identity files if they exist, if they do not exist… The designer has to be aware of exactly what you want because the logo will be part of the visual identity design as well.

3- Not using the same terms

Make sure that you are talking about the same terms, ask if there is something you do not know, put your entire inquiries in mind, and make sure that the terms he uses are the same as the ones you use, and that you understand the same terms to the same extent, so as not to surprise you with an achievement that does not completely correspond to what you want, and does not satisfy your requirements and does not meet your brand goals.

4- Focus on colors as a priority

You may want to use bright red, or pale yellow… Dark blue or brown… But for a better experience, start designing your logo in neutral colors first “black and white” and judge it by that to reduce it to fewer options, and when you reach the adoption of the logo in black and white, we start the coloring phase, which will be based largely on compatibility with visual identity.

5- Use the same font for the logo and content

You may want a specific font and want to use it in Logo Design as well as in the rest of the content. First, understand from your designer about choosing this font specifically, whether it will serve your brand or not, and if it is compatible or can be reconciled in some way, make it special, because your brand has a “personality”, because your brand has a “personality”, you don’t have to like a font, you use it in all forms of content, so generalize it to all forms of content. Guess which company this will negatively affect the “personality” that you want to create for your brand, which is made by the visual identity and logo, its most important elements of course.

6- Using public/inappropriate images

The logo may be a symbol, an image or an abstract text, depending on the identity and the vision of the customer and the designer and what they agree on, but the images or symbols should be chosen carefully, just like the font, the text logo and others, but if I want to design the logo that you don’t want anyone to forget, don’t use Handshake to signify cooperation or community, and light bulbs are not used to signify thinking and creativity, these symbols or images were killed by design, Surely the first designer who used it left the profession (or maybe the world) long ago, as well as using images that are not relevant with your brand, such as using wheat for a real estate company, or a leaf for a plastic factory… You’re too far.

7- Falling victim to the human mind

There are no limits to the creativity of the human mind, browse the strangest works of art to know that the mind is capable of creativity you do not imagine, and this is of course suitable for art schools, or surrealist arts, but when you come to logos we apologize to the spirit of the bohemian artist inside you or inside the designer, there are minimum standards to be adhered to, no matter how extreme we are in creativity and implement a completely different logo, we must adhere to these standards.. If you notice you will find a lot of famous brands, their logos have been updated over the past years according to these standards.

8- Know your brand identity

Of course, the designer must know it or deduce it from the data he has, but you must also know the brand identity, and if you do not have to design the brand identity, and identity is the visual elements that distinguish you from others, this identity that your customer sees and knows that it is your brand Branding without reading the name, it is based on foundations as well, so when designing a logo there must be an awareness of the identifiers, because the logo is one of its elements.

9 – The logo doesn’t have to be big… always!

As a reminder, the logo does not always have to be large, the designer takes into account the foundations and controls that must be followed when designing a logo, we understand sometimes that the logo must be large in order to be eye-catching, but the fact is that it does not have to be too large so as not to bother anyone to be seen or disturbed, a logo should be attractive by its harmonious and unique design and elements, not by its size.

You can shorten this arduous journey that requires more time and effort, and contact “Ocoda” as we can design the appropriate logo for you, because we understand what is on your mind and are aware of all these questions that you have, and we have worked to save time and effort by providing the best customer experience, to produce a satisfactory and appropriate logo.

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