Are you looking for social media covers design?

Are you looking for social media covers design?

Designing social media covers is important because it is the first thing a visitor to your pages sees, so it is the handshake of the first acquaintance between you and your customer. Therefore, he will find in front of him when he directly opens the cover of the page, and accordingly he will decide whether he will see the rest of the posts on the page, or will he close them and run to another recommendation, so social media covers are among the most important products of your brand and digital presence, and now we will talk about how to design social media covers in the best way possible.

10 social media cover design tips

Images capture the volume of interaction on social media platforms, which is why the design of social media covers is important. This acquisition is not only on image platforms, but also on platforms that rely mainly on texts. Twitter, for example, witnessed an increase of approximately 150% in retweeting of tweets that contain Images, while a platform that is concerned with hiring and connecting professionals in all fields such as LinkedIn has seen a 200% increase in sharing of posts that include images.

1- Pictures are not enough

Photographs alone do not make a distinctive cover for the pages, for example, when the user opens a dental clinic page, and finds the doctor in his usual uniform, crosses his arms in front of his chest, and smiles confidently, this cannot be a distinctive image, and it will not make the user feel the difference, but rather he will feel Boredom, because it’s often used all the time, so you can make your cover more creative by merging multiple photos, making use of graphic techniques, and creating a more eye-catching and lively cover.

2- Don’t go with simplicity this time

Simplicity is always the way that applies to most design products, but when designing social media covers, we should not always stick to simplicity, we do not mean complexity, of course, but make the cover a diversification between images, illustrations, distinctive texts, etc., make the cover vibrant, able to Expressing your brand and at the same time interesting enough that the user browses the rest of the page’s posts and shows him the rest of the designs, which of course will not be less professional and skill than the cover, which means a positive impact on your business.

3- Don’t forget the logo

Even if it is in the main image of the page, put the logo in a prominent place that takes into account the standards of the platform, try not to make it in the middle, and try to be an appropriate size so as not to cover the rest of the page elements, it must be realized that the goal of the cover is to direct the user’s focus on the most important messages Branding, both in general and in relation to the current occasion, the logo is at the top of the list of visual identity products for your brand, so don’t be bored when we say that it should be placed in all designs even if it is on the cover of the page that already bears the brand name.

4- Pay attention to the messages

Whether it’s generic messages like “slogan” the page, or it’s custom messages, like congratulating a public occasion, drawing attention to annual discounts, announcing a new product, introducing a new service, etc., always keep your texts as short as possible, in just 3 words you can To put the appropriate description, a sentence such as “70% discounts” can attract the user to browse your products, you can add another sentence such as “for a limited time” or a CTA such as “visit our branches” or other important messages, and read the following paragraph for more clarification.

5- Try multiple fonts

As we mentioned in a previous paragraph that the design of social media covers can be implemented with a variety of elements, you can also come text messages with more than one font, the art of drawing lines can be used to get the best results, and therefore the most important messages can be written in the larger font, while the less messages Importance can be written in smaller fonts, a sentence like “discounts up to 70%” will be the focus of the cover because it is the focus of the user’s attention, while a sentence like “call us on our next numbers” can be in a smaller font.

6- Don’t always be serious

We don’t mean not being serious here by being funny or turning your brand page into a joke, but don’t be completely serious, don’t be too formal, especially if your products are mainly entertainment, this can also be used cleverly and use visual manipulation for puns, make the cover more portable In a sense, and use the commonality between shapes to add other dimensions to the final product, this can be a way to play with the user and in any case it makes them feel familiar and in short strides in their emotional connection with your brand.

7- Choose your background skillfully

Make your background more suitable for the design as possible, make sure that there is no disturbance to the eye or the colors are dissonant, there must be great harmony between the background and the rest of the elements used in the design, and the background also maintains the contrast between it and the rest of the elements, you can use an image as a background for your texts Unique, but don’t make this image distracting to customers, and also in proportion to your branding messages, choose the right background for the design, branding and targeted messages.

8- Update the cover according to the occasions

The best thing about designing social media covers is that they are constantly updated, they can draw attention as needed, in annual sales, the appropriate cover can be placed, and on holidays and occasions, the expressive cover can be used, for example, most brands update their covers at the end of each year to congratulate the year The new one, and some stores may take advantage of the opportunity to announce the discounts or offers they offer to celebrate the New Year. Take advantage of the cover as an advertising space on your page and make it a front for your special offers or your interaction with important holidays and occasions.

9- Stick to your identity

It should always be noted that all designs must be produced in accordance with the visual identity of the brand, because all design products must express this identity. Among competitors, brand building is a long way, and therefore all design products must be exploited to run it properly.

10- Stick to the platform sizes

The point that should not be overlooked when designing social media is the different sizes of Facebook from Twitter, as well as from LinkedIn and the rest of the platforms. mobile phones or tablets.

Contact us at Ocoda because we have a team of creative people who can design social media covers with the best, most professional and creative results. Feel free to consult us and let’s discuss your next design.

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