Brand identity design and how to do it for a restaurant

Brand identity design and how to do it for a restaurant

Brand identity design is an important service for a number of reasons, and we’ll start with a simple question… How important is it to your restaurant? You might think that the most important thing in the restaurant: the quality of the food, the professionalism of the staff, affordable prices, this is what will make customers come to your restaurant, isn’t that what you thought of?


Of course, there is something about the restaurant’s sustainability or customer satisfaction, such as the quality of the food, the professionalism of the staff, and the affordable prices, but who will tell them about this if they don’t try? And why do they do it, when there is nothing that catches their eye… In the case of the experiment, what guarantees the repetition of the experiment? Unless you are going to serve the food of a tribe in the jungles of the Congo, you will cook a popular dish with secret ingredients that only three people in the world know, and you are one of them. , related to the aesthetic aspect, the high value you provide and how you will promote it, how you will display the menu items, the font used in the logo that will stick in the minds of your customers and make them order from your restaurant and be their first choice, the eye-pleasing colors and the design used for the packaging and delivery units.


Brand identity design and its importance

Restaurants are experiences, not just a place where we eat… because the competition is huge, in every inch you will find a restaurant, in every mall, square, even in a hospital or airport, now food is not only what is sold in restaurants, food is the last thing restaurants sell, experience sells Also, which starts from before you even visit the restaurant, which is based on a sequence consisting of 4 stages, starting with:


Your virtual presence

A person is planning to invite his wife to a romantic dinner, or a high school friends’ reunion and is looking for a suitable restaurant… Another person is standing in a corner of the city and looking for a restaurant around, a person is sitting on his day off and wants to go to a restaurant where he has lunch, and he searches the Internet for a suitable option, your website Your social media pages, the colors used, the tone, the logo and the name, all of these elements make up your brand identity.


Restaurant front

When your customer finds that the interface of your restaurant is in the same colors, logo and name, tone and style, it matches what he imagined through what you presented to him on the Internet… The second step is to establish the identity of your restaurant brand in the mind of your customer.

Inside the restaurant

The staff of the place and the atmosphere of the restaurant, the music and the delicious aroma of the food, through this you can continue to convey the image of the restaurant you want, through these elements as well as choose a decor that matches the identity of your restaurant.



The last stage, in which you will sell food, and the customer who enters the experience turns into a loyal customer, your restaurant will be at the forefront of his choices. If a person feels comfortable with a restaurant, he will make a great effort until he is convinced to change it… and this is the role of consistency on quality.

From the above, we understand that designing a brand identity for a restaurant is a major factor in attracting customers to your restaurant.

Which means the complete visual and sensory experience, whether online or on the ground. We will not be exaggerating when we say that the identity factor is equal to the quality and deliciousness factor, and now we move to the essence of the article: how to design a brand identity for a restaurant.



Steps to designing a branding for your restaurant

1- Know the target audience

The most important step that cannot be skipped, before the design or implementation stage, you have to know who your customers are, the type of food you will serve, will you offer traditional meals to target the largest segment? Will you serve foreign food targeting its community in your area? How old is your audience? What is their social class? Know who you want to attract to your restaurant, you will know what the right identity is for them.


2- Define your philosophy

Be aware of the ‘value’ you will provide to your customers, is it fun? Comforts? Affordable prices? What is your philosophy, what is your vision, and what is your addition to the restaurant market in your area? These things are very useful whether the brand identity design is for a restaurant or any other project.


3- Choose your voice

Each brand has a voice, think about 5 famous brands, you will be able to distinguish each of them by just their tone, this voice is closely related to the previous two steps, audience identification, and voice identification.

4- Brand identity design stage

Now we will know the elements through which we can build the identity, just as we will list these elements separately, as they are integrated, and one element cannot be separated from the rest of the elements, but rather they must all mix to become one unit that constitutes the brand identity.


5- logo design

The logo is the crown of identity, its basic and fundamental element, we must make it very carefully, a logo can shorten the identity with a simple glance, the use of symbols, colors and appropriate font can tell your customers about your vision, philosophy and your whole business.


6- Colors

Colors stir feelings, and hunger is a feeling and not an idea from the mind. You must create an emotional relationship with your customer by addressing him with colors. The red color has a meaning that is not for violet, yellow is different from blue… and so on.

The more you can emotionally possess your customer, the more loyal you are.


7- Font

A study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed that the attractiveness of a font may reflect positively or negatively on the customer’s desire to read, and that fonts that do not have the necessary attractiveness may not encourage the customer to read the content, so choosing a font is a very important step.


8- Menu

The menus contain the food items and their prices… and you will be generous if you write the ingredients of the dishes, is that all? Menus is a flyer that must be carefully designed, Menu is your restaurant’s ambassador to customers, you should not only write what you serve but what you offer ambiance, spirit, philosophy, vision, don’t sell food only as long as you can sell atmosphere and later the brand as well.


9- Delivery units

Delivery containers, whether on the deliveryman’s bike or bags and boxes containing food are also free advertising. The average person who sees the food box, bags or cans on the street and draws his eye, will stick in his mind your logo, colors and font… Therefore, delivery containers are one of the most important elements of brand identity design for the restaurant, make it unforgettable.

10- Website

Now we get to the website, which should be the interface of the identity, showing all its elements, from the logo to the menu to the banners, images, vision, philosophy, the story of the restaurant, etc. All the elements of the brand identity of the restaurant are manifested in the website, you can go to our page about web design for more, but as a design start the brand identity is witnessing a collaboration with the web designer to produce the harmonious balanced work that serves the brand identity of your restaurant.


11- Interiors

After we took the customer on a journey from the beginning of the logo to the font and colors through the website, we come to the role of the interior decorations of the restaurant, which will of course match the identity of the restaurant and at this moment we were able to bring the customer to your table, and all you have to do is show off your skills and convince him that your delicious food can captivate him.


Designing a brand identity for a restaurant is a complex process, but we have tried to simplify it for you by disassembling it into simple elements, it must be harmonious and consistent, and appropriate for what you offer, because credibility is the most important invisible and imperceptible element in forming the impression of your restaurant

You can also get in touch with our team at Ocoda to start creating a plan to design the best brand identity for your restaurant and build your unique brand.

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