Business identity design and psychology Is there a relationship?

Business identity design and psychology Is there a relationship?

Before we talk about brand identity design and its relationship to psychology, let us admit that our vision of the world has become part of it to a large extent linked to the messages that the brand conveys to us. We say it is not about consumption, or buying and selling, but rather with our entire lifestyle. the form or that the brand imposes on us, don’t convince us that the world and people’s awareness 20 years ago was the same, especially now in the era of smartphones, cosmetics and social media platforms, the issues raised and ideas broadcast to us by major brands, the issue has to do with affecting our consciousness and our subconscious as well, we are prisoners of brands, This is not a flaw. A brand is supposed to have customers who love, are loyal to it, and trust it, but will this brand be trustworthy? Or will it be manipulating the feelings and emotions of people, and falsifying the facts?


Well, it seems from this introduction that there is an actual relationship between brand identity design and psychology, because we talk about feelings and emotions more than we talk about ideas and arguments, so let’s delve further into this topic.


What does branding have to do with psychology?

Creating a brand is an action or a series of other actions, it is a chain effect that keeps the marketing process of this brand in a continuous state of activity.

It is a solid plan to communicate the values ​​of your brand and your company culture to your customers, and one of the most important goals that you would like to reach any brand on the way Establishing its commercial identity, is to become a loyal friend of the customer, how to convince customers that this brand or commercial identity, which has no physical existence, unlike the company’s headquarters, sales headquarters or administrative building, is that this imaginary thing consisting of colors, symbols and texts.

He is like a human being, and this is something that does not have a lot of logic, but rather requires targeting emotions. The direct influence on emotions comes only from understanding the psychology of your target audience, understanding their tendencies and orientations, their average age, average social classes, and how their surrounding factors affect their reality as individuals.

The sign comes It does not matter if it is a physical gap, it can fill a psychological gap in the depths of its customers, and this is what big brands do.. Think about it well, and you will find that most of it means developing psychological needs and following It is then targeted to connect customers with the brand.


Business identity and psychology.. scientifically

We are not talking here about convincing you of the relationship between psychology and business identity design, and we are not proud of our ability to design it, nor are we ashamed of it either. A problem in supporting the inclination towards luxuries in humans, as long as it is benign and not excessive, and the relationship of commercial identity and psychology with humans is based on 4 factors: the psychology of colors, distinguishing patterns, a sense of belonging and warmth of the herd, the five personalities of the brand.

We will talk in detail about each of them in the following lines.


1- The psychology of colors

Colors are around us in everything, we can distinguish millions of colors, hundreds of shades if not thousands, and we can love a certain mixture between colors and hate a mixture that unfortunately will not be comfortable for the eye, so colors came as one of the most important factors affecting people’s psyches from During mixing or displaying them individually.

People see it innately, all humans are born with the same feelings towards a certain color, or a certain color evokes within them one feelings, but what another group sees is that the issue is culturally influenced, as evidenced by the different connotations of colors from one society to another, Whatever the reason, no one denies that colors affect our psyche, for red is anger, blood and heat, while blue is sky, sea, serenity and relaxation, green is plants, nature and comfort, and so on…

Hence the brands were used according to their target audience, their values, their prices and the field of business. given without the other, so in the design there is no right or wrong, there is the question: is it appropriate or not?


2- Recognize patterns

We are not talking here in the design of the commercial identity and its relationship to psychology about visual patterns, this is only a partial, but the comprehensive point is that humans themselves are able to distinguish patterns easily, and the larger pattern is the pattern of experience, and a question has been raised for some time about the reason why a fast food restaurant continues Such continuity although other restaurants in the same category serve better but not as popular, and pattern or consistency is the typical accepted answer, as you go there and expect the same average quality sandwich, almost the same fries, the same taste, the same bread without the extra Or decrease, this terrible ability to maintain the consistency of the experience made you go there without being afraid of frustration, the experience of the last time is the same.

It will be repeated again, from here comes the trust and building loyalty towards the brand, unlike other restaurants, for example, it gives an experience from excellent to Medium, if the first time you served it excellent, you will not be sure that the excellence will continue next times, frustration knocks on your door and always makes you resort to the average restaurant, did you see that the issue is really psychological?



A sense of belonging and the warmth of the herd

Did you see our words in the introduction? Which we have made clear that it is not just about buying and selling, but about a complete lifestyle, with a brand culture that you impose on society? The issue comes as a group of people decided to buy the products of this brand or rely on its services, which made them distinguished from others, especially since dealing with this brand and buying its products or enjoying its services created similar behaviors that made them closer to each other, so what these brands sell is not clothes Sports and not a car rental application, but sells the feeling of belonging to a class that you may consider yourself as strangers, but this is not true. The brand was able to gather you and make you one class that is able to feel its members and understand their behaviors. Belonging is an innate need for humans, and satisfying it was one of the smartest marketing attempts.


Business identity design and psychology Is there a relationship?

The Five Brand Characters

There is a marketing theory that assumes that there are 5 personalities for brands, trying to be highlighted by the design of the commercial identity, and most likely the personalities will not depart from these five examples, and the five personalities are as follows:

  • Sincerity: Like health-oriented brands, there is no bargaining, as well as medical products for children and others.
  • Thrill: soda companies for example and they give you excitement and suspense like you’re the hero of a famous action movie, you’re funny too.
  • Ruggedness: There are some brands that would like to inspire their customers with ruggedness but without violence, this strength that every consumer should have.
  • Efficiency: Banks, money exchange companies, and online shopping are usually brands that should dress this character well.
  • Sophistication: The reliance of these brands on a specific category (the wealthy category) of customers makes them not ashamed of being distinguished by sophistication, and reliance on luxuries.


Feel free to reach out to Ocoda to talk more and discuss the importance of psychology when designing a brand identity and how it affects your customers, making them more connected to your brand.

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