Design a professional brand identity for organizations with steps

Design a professional brand identity for organizations with steps

In our time, if we look at any company or brand in the market, we must find that it has a brand identity that distinguishes it from its competitors in the same field if give an example to tourism companies, there are thousands of companies that work in the field of tourism and travel without exaggeration, imagine with me dear reader if no trademarks or business identities are distinguishing those companies! They will all be the same and customers will not be able to differentiate or prefer them, which is why a large segment of companies and institutions design a unique brand identity to achieve the element of excellence among competitors, and to be able to snatch the eyes of their customers.


But brand identity design requires a set of thoughtful steps that can’t be dispensed with to produce an innovative identity as required, so Ocoda the best brand identity design company in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East will help you in the following article by presenting all the steps to design a professional brand identity from the ground up, so you can compete with a strong and modern identity, so don’t miss out on this fun article!


Article elements:

  1. What is brand identity?
  2. What are the elements of brand identity?
  3. What is the use of designing a brand identity for companies?
  4. Professional brand identity design steps
  • Study your project
  • Study market
  • study your customers
  • study competitors
  • determine the objectives of the project
  • coordination of the brand identity elements
  • implementation of brand identity


First: What is a brand identity?

In short, brand identity is the distinctive and personal brand that any company or institution appears in front of its customers and competes in the market, there is no company or institution that does not have a brand or logo that distinguishes it, otherwise, all companies would be similar to each other, especially since most companies compete with the same amount of quality and the same products or services, what differentiates them in front of customers is their ability to design a brand identity that distinguishes their products in the market, but the brand identity is The visual personality that helps the company express its ideas and reflect its vision so that it can communicate with customers properly.


The brand identity of companies or organizations is to design the logo in a way that is appropriate to the company’s ideas, whether textual or symbolic, and must be simple and clear at the same time, in addition to the element of identifying and coordinating the colors of identity to suit the company’s logo and blend with it and with the rest of the elements such as lines and drawings Otherwise, brand identity also includes product design, service announcements, internal publications and all of the company’s supplies now include seals, posters, receipts, letters, folders, catalog, portfolios, cards, product packaging, invoices, newsletters as well as the design of external advertising publications such as banners, pop-up, roll-up, lightbox, illuminated letters, stainless, acrylic, x-banner, flex, standouts, banners, and many other types according to the objectives of each organization, and others so that these companies can enter the market strongly, distinctively and uniquely.


Second: What are the elements of brand identity?

brand identity includes several elements that come together to form the identity and personality of the company that will appear in front of customers, which represent the components of the identity that any company may need, and we can mention the most important of those elements in the following points:

  • Logo design
  • company or enterprise brand design
  • color coordination for identity
  • identification lines used in identity
  • design company products
  • select a text logo for the company
  • design website
  • design application
  • designs motion graphic
  • indoor designs
  • outdoor designs


Third: What is the use of designing the brand identity of companies?

Brand identity has several benefits for any startup, large, enterprise, or even business, the most important of which are:

  1. Through a brand identity, you can build a strong competitive position and build a good reputation for a company or organization.
  2. brand identity is an effective and lasting link and communication between you and your customers.
  3. brand identity helps give confidence and increase the company’s credibility to its customers.
  4. Having a strong brand identity helps promote awareness of the organization.
  5. Owning a brand identity strengthens the links between the enterprise and its customers.
  6. A brand identity helps distinguish your company or organization from competitors.
  7. Across the brand identity, your brand will spread among a large number of customers and consumers.
  8. By designing your brand identity, you’ll be able to showcase the characteristics of your products and services in line with your vision and create covers for your products that further attract customers.


Design a professional brand identity for organizations with steps

Fourth: Steps to design a professional brand identity

To design a professional brand identity that highlights your company’s personality and competes in the market, you need to follow a range of important steps that help you implement and direct the identity as required as follows:


Step 1: Study your project:

In this step, you should study your project accurately and clearly, in terms of determining what type of business you are, what size of your business, specific project budget, what products or services you will provide to your customers, and even study and define all the objectives of the project, your vision, goals, and ambitions so that you can draw up the main lines that will help you design a brand identity that expresses your personality.


Step 2: Market Study:

It’s an important step that will help you figure out what threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses you can exploit, and you’ll be able to determine the size of the competition, the shape of your competitors, and study your customers, which will help you build an imaginary picture of your brand that you’ll appear in the market.


Step 3: Study your customers:

Here you should study your customers and your face by determining their social, cultural, and educational level, customs and traditions, what they prefer and hate, their problems, and requirements, and many other factors that need to be identified and studied to determine the appropriate form of brand.


Step 4: Study competitors:

With this step, you will be familiar with everything your competitors do to attract your customers, product format, commercials, how to distinguish themselves in the market, their strengths and weaknesses, and even know how your brand will stand out in the market and how to create a highly competitive position among your competitors.


Step 5: Setting the objectives of the project:

With this step you will be able to define the goals of your project as a whole, what vision you want to convey to the public, who your audience is and where it is, who your competitors are, how much competition is in the market, and what you want to reach your brand, to set a range of short- and long-term goals to help you spread your brand identity and design properly, the goals must be smart, practical, achievable, measured, and realistic so you can achieve them.


Step 6: Coordination of identity elements:

In this step, the design team will begin to identify all the elements used in identity, colors, lines, drawings, business identity components, and everything they need to implement, and here the team’s skill in producing creative and professional designs accurately demonstrates the idea of your brand identity and embodies your brand’s vision.


Step 7: Implementation of brand identity:

The design team begins to implement the brand identity and its components while achieving elements of harmony between all components of identity, and the stage of implementation of identity is the most needed for skill, experience, professionalism, and accuracy as well in the implementation of all identity details.


These are some of the reliable brand identity design steps to design a professional brand identity for your organization, so if you want a professional brand identity to compete strongly in the market, Ocoda is the best business identity design company with many years of experience in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East ready to work with a skilled team and an expert of leading creative designers, feel free to communicate with us now!

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