Everything you need to know about roll up design

Everything you need to know about roll up design

Roll-up design may make it more important for your business, it is the best way to display your discounts, brand awareness and introduce the services your project has provided, take the importance of the matter from brochures, catalog or other marketing methods, and give it only a suitable design, we don’t say beautiful or cute, Goodbye design. We tend to be more appropriate than beautiful. This does not negate beauty, but rather puts it into context. We are now talking about designing a roll up from A to Z

What is a roll-up?

Roll-up is a proven and effective method, it evolved from the idea of paintings that are hung in stores, for example, you entered the small store next to your house, you will find hanging a sign saying “we have fresh milk”, this is the simplest form of the roll-up, the idea evolved to become in exhibitions, or events, and used for informational, marketing or awareness purposes, is printed on vinyl with a resolution of 300 dpi, which is very high resolution.

Roll-up design benefits

There are several benefits that make this idea well-marketed, practical, and sometimes necessary, for example:

Easy to fold and store: One of the best benefits of the roll up is that it is easy to fold and store, unless it is specific to a specific event, so it can be used several times, or if you are in an exhibition that lasts for several days, it can be folded another every day and put it again at the beginning of the next day .

More visible: One of the most important features of the roll up for your business, that it is more visible than a brochure, catalog or other designs, it will attract attention to your messages that you want to direct, and will force customers to stand in front of it, this is of course in the case if the design is good, and eye-catching, and to avoid This you can communicate with a good design company (contact us for recommendations).

Reflects a positive image of your brand: The best a good roll up can do is present a positive image of your brand. This is what a great design with your brand-inspired colors, with short, concise and effective content.

Roll-up design rules

There are several things that we take into account in the design of the roll-up that we can all take into account, but to reach the minimum level of professionalism, there are basic rules that no professional designer should ignore, of course the colors, images, logo, coordination, etc. We simplify it quickly.

1- Put the logo on top

The location of the logo in the design should be at the top, so that it is in an area where everyone can see it, because the eye often scans things from the top to the bottom, so the first information that enters the mind of the customer when watching your roll should be: “What is this company or Who Owns This Rollup? We are not saying here that it should be large and obscure the rest of your messages, but that it should be conspicuous, visible, and can be recognized by anyone at a great distance.

2- Information flow

When designing a roll up, you should take care of coordination by making the most important information follow a rule from left to right when writing in English, and from right to left when writing in Arabic, and from top to bottom in all cases, meaning to make the flow of information, images and colors flow as the customer checks the roll up… Clear? The point is to make your roll-up design fit in order for the customer’s eye to fall on it.

3- Pay close attention to the pictures

The resolution of the roll will be very high, therefore, high-resolution images must be used, so that it becomes clear in the print as well. It is expected that the size of the roll up is usually after printing approximately 80 x 200 cm, and therefore the image will be of 1800 x 1400 quality often, and beware when designing a roll, it is necessary to pull an image from the Internet and include it in the design directly. Images available in professional image platforms must be used, there are free or paid ones, but the paid ones offer greater options, and images in CYMK format are usually used because they are suitable for printing.

4- Colors

Make the colors suitable for your roll up, they should be eye-catching without disturbing the eye, and also be suitable for the background, for example, avoid using white and yellow because this may make it unreadable, and in addition (sorry for the many requirements) the colors should be compatible with the identity Your brand and font should be as well.

5- Basic information

There are basic things that must be taken into account when displaying information in the roller, especially in an exhibition or a crowded place, for example, the brand must be defined and its commercial activity should be clarified at the top. And it should also include contact information such as the website, phone number, and email, in addition to the pages on social media platforms. The website can only be satisfied if the content is large, you should not put all the information in one roll so that no one reads it.

6- Effective Short Content

Whether the design is for Rollup or something else, you should hire a professional content writer because he can write fast, effective texts, in short and concise sentences. The so-called USP or an abbreviation for a sentence (Unique selling proposition) can be presented with the shortest possible content, and in effective sentences, to convince your customer to buy or sell At least create a desire to learn more about your products or your brand, see the next point to better understand what we mean.

7- Can be absorbed within 3 seconds

In all cases, stay away from the complexity, the 3-second rule is taken from basketball, which states that the player should not stay in the wrong position for more than 3 seconds, and from this point of view, the roll-up comes to be capable of being absorbed in only 3 seconds, if things get tough, you have to It is enough to lead your customer to know your brand and arouse curiosity about it, you do not have to accomplish the whole task in one roll.

8- Creative touch

The above was nothing but rules specific to the rules of roll-up design only and may apply to some other designs sometimes but not always, here is the last and important rule that applies to all design work, to be creative, the more you add a unique creative touch, the more likely you are to succeed in drawing attention and the more you lack creativity, the more boring your design will be, and therefore it will not catch anyone’s attention.

Roll-up design is very important, especially in open exhibitions and crowded events, there is nothing better than a creatively and professionally designed roll up so that you can convey your messages and establish the importance of your brand within your customers.

Ocoda can create the best designs for your brand, you can contact us and find out about our various packages, and let’s discuss your next design.

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