How to create an attractive logo design that satisfies you?

How to create an attractive logo design that satisfies your customers?

Creating a logo design is very important, it can only be described in the context of visual identity design as the jewel in the crown, a bad logo with a great effort in the visual identity, the result may be zero, but with a good logo this will give you inspiration to complete the rest of the elements of visual identity, we do not exaggerate when We say that the brand identity can be reduced to the logo, it is its symbol and can never be overlooked, the cornerstone of any design, when you see a logo, you are expected to know what the business is, what to expect and how you will feel, it may seem difficult.. but we gathered the most important tips From the design experts, to be very different among the designers and the brand to stand out from the competition… Ready to start the journey? Let’s go!

 Features that should be present in any attractive logo

1- simple

Do not think simplicity is easy, to come now after decades of developing the design profession, and you would like to create a simple logo design, then you are really in trouble, because most of the ideas that will come to your head are made of hundreds of copies in multiple variations, and here lies the difficulty, not to resort to complexity in order to make Something creative, you have to use your creative sense to create attractive simplicity.

2- suitable

At the beginning of your design career you have tons of attractive logo design ideas, and at the first opportunity you want to pour these tons into your logo, well there is no problem with ideas, the problem is that you have to design the right logo for the brand, you can benefit What are your thoughts on whether it fits the required logo, or it can be postponed to something else suitable, do you understand it?

3- unforgettable

Look at all the wonderful logos of your beloved brands, you will find that you can recognize their logos if you do not read the name, and sometimes someone can mention the name in front of you and you immediately think of the logo, do you know why? Because they are easy to remember, follow the tips to find out why they are so hard to forget and that they stick in the memory easily.

4- flexible

Great logos you love when you see them small and you love them and you see them big too, it can develop in the future and feel different without the brand losing its image, you can see it on a billboard in the street, it draws your attention and you see it on a bill asking you to pay money, and it also draws your attention more than the amount requested to pay Now, at all sizes, and in any medium, flexibility is paramount to any attractive logo design.

 15 Great Logo Design Tips

1- Know more about the brand

Start from knowing the brand to design the best logo, knowing the brand, its goals, messages and the unique value it offers to make you fully identified with your brand, and create the best logo suitable for your brand and impress your customers.

2- Know more about your audience

The second point of the preparatory steps before you start to visualize the logo or think about how it will be to know your audience that you are going to address with this logo, their age group and social segment, what are their interests and the things that attract them, so as not to create a great logo but it is not useful for business.

3- Know more about your competitors

This does not mean that you should imitate your competitors when designing the logo, but know what their logos are, what are their colors and how they are designed, so that you know what they were able to attract their customers with and how you can exploit their weaknesses to your advantage.

4- Reflect the nature of the business

Starting with the logo your customers see for the first time and are curious about the brand, these customers shouldn’t wonder too much about the nature of the business, don’t design a fish logo (the point is not always) for a seafood restaurant, because you can refer to that restaurant without Having to fish, by color, font, and icons, and using these elements incorrectly will make your customer not feel consistent between the logo and the business.

5- Start on paper

Do not open the design program now and start working, draw the logo in your head now, and if you have several options, take them out on paper now, test the possibility of implementation and see first what is appropriate, and whether the logo is now in principle, suitable for the brand or not, and from During this process you can clear your mind and always choose the best.

6- Get inspired, don’t steal

Theft is to come up with another logo and add re-touches and attribute it to yourself. Inspiration is to enrich yourself visually, and be exposed to the creativity of your colleagues, which stimulates your creative sense, which makes you invent a logo design now, because ideas do not come from nothing.

7- Make it original

This advice is consistent with the previous, originality always clearly shows that this idea stems from your conscience, and that it is about a deep understanding of the brand and its audience, and that it is without imitation of another logo, especially imitation harms the brand and makes it not a second choice after the one you imitate, but a last choice after All competitors.

8- Start with black and white

To make it easier for yourself and the client, start with black and white to test the logo. Colors alone do not make your logo great. It should look great in basic colors like black and white, and it gets even more amazing when you color it.

9- Use colors skillfully

After accepting the black and white logo, you have to color it in proportion to the visual identity of the brand, and this identity is not designed on a random basis, but with what you want to convince customers and the feelings it evokes inside them, and each color expresses a specific situation and is associated with certain feelings.

10- Pick up the right font

The font must be appropriate as well, people usually rely on symbols only and sometimes only on the brand name in an artistic way, sometimes on one letter of the brand name and sometimes on the symbols and the brand name combined together, in all cases one must choose the font that corresponds to the identity of the brand .

11- Keep it simple

In about 99% of the cases of creating a logo design, stay away from complexity, and if you are going to choose between complexity and simplicity, always choose simplicity, simplicity makes the logo clear and memorable, as soon as the customer sees it, he will stick in his mind and will not forget it.

12- Make it scalable

Make it scalable means giving it some flexibility, you can make several variations on the same design and see if it is flexible or not, because usually this logo will be subject to modification in the future, so it must be suitable for future changes.

13- Tell people a story

This is a level in design, do not tire yourself with its arrival, if you cannot come up with an idea that makes the design more dynamic so that it tells a story, such as an arrow moving from one point to another, or a hand that extends to catch another, or other concepts that give the meaning of the story or the action, do not stress yourself and fake it.

14- Neither complicated nor direct

We stressed more than once the importance of simplicity in logo design and warned against complexity, but in any case, do not be direct as well, refer to the example of the fish that represents a seafood restaurant, which we mentioned above, directness does not contradict with simplicity, you can make a logo with a deep concept, Simply too, but without being direct.

15- White space is part of the design

White space in logos is the lung of the design, as it gives the person who sees the logo space to rest his eye, so make it part of the design, and make it functional in it, this will make you use all the elements you have in the best possible way.

For more information on designing a logo, you can consult the Ocoda design team, a selection of the best designers will highlight your brand and present it in the best possible image, feel free to contact us and let us discuss your next design.

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