In 5 minutes.. 15 advertising design tips

In 5 minutes.. 15 advertising design tips

With all the new ways of marketing, designing commercial advertisements remains the classic, most effective and direct way to sell or promote a product. In short, we have a new product, brand or service, and we would like to let people know about them. What are we going to do? In a direct way, we will tell the customer that this product exists and you can buy it and benefit from it, and because it is an old method, this does not force us to do it the old way, but rather means that we must be more experienced than before, and that we have already tried many methods and we were able to obtain results on the basis of which we can update Our rules of commercial design are creative and innovative, and of course learning from the old ways and building on it.

15 Rules Advertising Design

There are many ways you can design ads, every designer has his style, creativity, innovation, and vision, and there is no one right way, and 15 very few rules to know the ways of designers and their continuous creativity, a non-stop creativity machine, and old sources of inspiration that generate new sources of inspiration for designers now , but we have tried to collect the most important rules and methods followed by design experts in the world, as well as that have been deduced from the best designs in the world.

1 – Keep it simple:

You can flash the design and display the products you are promoting in a complex carnival way. You can make the design a festival. You cannot lose sight of the crowded elements in it, such as graphics, images, and great content that explains the features of the product and flaunts it, but you can make it simple with a few elements but more focused, so that it conveys its idea in a way Clearer, more effective, and more firmly in mind.

2- Use visual metaphor:

Metaphor just as linguistic can also be visual, and just as metaphor is made up of words, it also consists visually of pictures and drawings, so imagination here is very important, to capture the relationships between things, for example there was a design that was inspired many times and is still original and has meaning, to educate The importance of adjusting tires in cars is placing tires on top of each other to form a ticking bomb, indicating that ignoring tire adjustment is a time bomb that may explode at any moment.

3- Explore hidden visual connections:

Like a visual metaphor for advertising design, you can explore hidden visual links, for example, the relationship between the shape of the machine gun and the cello, for example, the relationship between the zipper of the coat and the stacked rows, between the soda bottle and the cannon shell, and so on.. A link can be extracted between the two shapes and exploited to convey the meaning in the best possible way.

4- Use the cultural elements of your audience:

The cultural vocabulary of your target audience cannot be dispensed with, and this takes us to the most important point, which is that you study your target audience and know its preferences, analyze the society you are heading to and accordingly know what the things that attract it, for example if you are going to the Saudi audience, there are Saudi elements that belong to this society, and therefore It catches his eye, but if you are addressing a specific age group of the Saudi public, there is no doubt that there are cultural elements for the teenage generation that differ from the generations that preceded them.

5- Be exaggerated:

Do not worry about exaggeration because you are not writing a newspaper article that should be objective, you are an advertiser and you have to promote your product in the way you see fit, do not use the direct method, and do not go beyond the limits of reason, but to describe your product as doing extraordinary things is the norm for any advertising design No one is neutral on this point.

6- Show, don’t explain:

You should never be direct or explain what you should show to the eyes, Advertising design is mainly based on the visual aspect, enriching the viewer’s eye visually and conveying the message to him in a simple, clear, creative, and not direct image, this school is not only in design, but extends to the arts Others too, even in cinema or painting.

7- Keep the content short:

Because the content is visual only, the copy must complement the visual messages of the viewer, so the text does not contain more than 3 words as much as possible, and sometimes the content writers use one word such as “mix it” or

“Complete it”, go back to the texts in the big brand designs you will find it will be no more than 3 words.

8- Colors are friends, not enemies:

As long as the commercials revolve around the visual elements, this necessarily means that you use the colors best. You can make designs with attractive colors, suitable for the visual identity of the brand, and at the same time compatible with the atmosphere of the message that you want to communicate through the design, you can enhance the design with the colors used. Or, conversely, make it a design burden.

9- Make white space part of the design:

So that the design is not crowded, you have to leave a white space to focus the viewer’s eye on the point you want to focus on, the intelligence lies in not making the white space useless, but also making it integrated into the design as part of it, that is, adding to the meaning of the design, and at the same time relieve crowding.

10- Create movement in design:

Run the water, let the paint spread, let the bubbles bubble, let the steam rise, and hold the design the moment the rocket shoots up with a burning tail, keep the design vibrant, especially if the product you are promoting is related to evolution, movement, activity.

11- Make the font appropriate:

The importance of font in designing commercial advertisements does not decrease much from the importance of colors or images or others, not for nothing but because the font is an integral part of the design, if you do not find the appropriate font you have to design it as well, the importance of the written text lies in that it integrates with the design or the visual aspect It shouldn’t conflict with it or be inappropriate, so use all your expertise to make your font look great.

12- Create an emotional bond:

What makes the customer most attached to the brand is that you add a human element to it that creates an emotional bond, and it is even more important when you create a design and want those who see it to feel sympathy, love, nostalgia, gratitude, etc.

Each ex-feel can make it emotional. As long as you understand your audience, you’ll know what triggers them.

13- Strong Font for Strong Message:

There are some designs that you would like to send a direct text message through, make the strong message with a strong font, for example if the word “Subscribe now” or “50% off” or other important messages, this is what you want to announce, make it in the strongest line, Because it is what you want the viewer to focus on.

14- Don’t forget your visual identity:

This point is very important, because the advertising design must be compatible with the visual identity, as all the designs or promotional products that they produce must establish the image of the brand in the mind, and work to complete its construction, which means that the promotional design must be a link in the chain Brand building too.

15- Put a call to action:

The call to action is the purpose of the design, or the call to take action, it can be “visit our website,” “visit our nearest branches,” “call the following numbers…” or “book now.” All these sentences are called CTAs and are important to tell your client what to do after seeing this design, because clients really need someone to guide them.

Professionalism, commitment and discipline, one of our values for advertising design, contact us at Ocoda, because we have a team of the most skilled designers in the Arab world. Let us discuss your next design and promote your products and services in the best and most creative way.

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