Get to know 9 business card design tips to be aware

know 9 business card design tips to be aware

On the small size of the business card design, but its impact is very important, as the business card is usually able to enter into the pockets, which makes it more negotiable than other advertising products, especially since it is brief and useful and does not have anything directly advertising, as it includes commercial activity, And contact information and address, that is, it includes basic information to a large extent, and because of this, a professionally designed business card can turn passing strangers into loyal customers. Good design comes as a great way to showcase this in the best possible way.

The business card expresses you, as it is an extension of your business identity to a large extent, using the same colors and the same fonts becomes a product of the brand’s identity, and because of that there are attractive business card design tips that we will summarize in the following points.


  • Make sure there is already a brand identity

Many business owners do not understand the meaning of the word visual identity for the brand, it is not important to be aware of the technical details or to be familiar with it, but the most important of all is to be aware of the term and follow it constantly because it is at the heart of its business, it is not possible to create a business that aspires to grow and appear among competitors without an identity Distinctive visual, through which everyone can know the brand without the need to verify the name, as the colors, symbols and fonts are able to give the brand uniqueness, which means that the design of the business card will be worthless without a brand identity, because it is among its products, therefore We can’t design the part without having the whole, if it’s a little complicated you should consult your design company, but anyway without an identity designing a business card is a difficult task.


  • Know your brand

It may seem that you know it well in terms of financial transactions, accounting, etc., but with regard to the vision, goal, and message that you want to communicate to your customers by imposing a presence for your brand name and logo, this is probably what you did not think about before, and accordingly you have to know what value you want to communicate For your customers through your business, it is not enough at the present time to have a business only, because everyone has their own business as well, and everyone wants to increase their profits, but what makes customers prefer you is that you provide value that does not exist in others, and if it exists, it is not there In abundance, what makes your customer prefer you over others, and therefore your business card design must contain this value, and include your goals.


  • Choose the shape

Of course, you can avoid the risk and choose a rectangular business card design without any concern for the advanced printing technologies that give you more choices with guaranteed and great results, unlike decades ago, the error rate was high and thus placed restrictions on options, if you want to use this traditional shape you can Consult your design company first, as they may convince you that there are other, more modern shapes that (by shape only) can enhance your brand image.


  • Choose the size

What applies to the shape of a business card also applies to its sizes, you can come up with a revolutionary and new size, we do not say that we design it in the form of a brochure, but the usual sizes can be opposed. Consult your design company about new sizes for designing a business card, and discuss with them about the most extreme ideas, And what it reflects on the design and the brand, and of course you can use the usual standards without caring for innovation or rebellion against the traditional, and that depends, of course, on the nature of your business and the tone in which you speak, sometimes sticking to the old is in your interest, but the more you go back and ignore any development or update the more It solidifies your brand more, but that’s not always, maybe that’s rare.


  • Use the identity elements

Add your logo and some symbols or graphics that indicate your commercial identity. These things really stick in the mind and instill in your customers their love for your brand. Of course, this should not overshadow the main goal of the business card, which is to display basic information that does not change such as the address and the field of the business and contact information, but the addition of such elements is also indispensable as the card should not be saturated with it, there is always a way to stand at a certain point to strike the desired balance.


  • Add texts

There are some indispensable things like the name of the company and its business, contact information like phone number, email, links to pages on social media platforms, QR code for easy website access, plus Slogan (well after all that you should reconsider sticking to shape and size) , Of course, all this information cannot be dispensed with, but only in rare cases can the name, address and phone number be satisfied, which are cases in which the brand is already giant, and it does not matter to exaggerate its definition, and therefore we say that they are extremely rare cases.


  • Use proper font

Perhaps you have an idea about your business card design, and this includes the font used to write the company’s name and the rest of the information. In the beginning, you can replace the font in the logo to write the name of the company or the logo alone if the brand does not need to mention its name because of its unforgettable visual identity, In general, you have to choose the font that matches the brand identity, and you have to know what your vision and message are from your business, and accordingly, the font that expresses it is chosen.

  • Check in the printing press

Meaning that you arrived at the printing press that the design process has ended and passed safely, but make sure that the design matches the quality of the printing press and the material on which it is printed and other factors, which can be incompatible with the design, which creates a crisis or dissonance in printing, and instead of discovering the crisis after printing large quantities, It can be discovered after one trial. If everything is correct, this means that you are dealing with a professional design company that deserves praise and appreciation, but if the matter needs improvement, you must return to your designer for correction.


  • Choose a professional business card design company

We wanted to put this point at the end, not because it is late in the sequence, on the contrary, this is almost the first step, but because of its great importance. A final product that will impress you and will be even better than you could ever imagine.

With Ocoda, you can design a creative business card suitable for your brand and perfectly suited to its activity, matching its identity, with competitive and suitable price packages for everyone, while maintaining the elements of expertise and discipline necessary for any business in this field.

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