The 7 most important rules of magazine design

The 7 most important rules of magazine design

Perhaps the decline in the paper press in recent years has made us think that designing magazines is no longer required these days, but the fact is that the design of magazines has developed and increased in demand. Besides the usual journalistic purposes, magazines that are designed for purely marketing purposes have also increased. , and this is a clear challenge for any designer, whether a beginner or a professional, as there is a need for patience with professionalism and great experience to maintain a large number of pages with the same level of creativity and eye-catching always, so we decided to talk about the most important 7 rules of magazine design, How can we do it and overcome this challenge by winning? let’s start!

7 rules for creative magazine design

Designing magazines of a creative nature that does not include the journalistic format only. Companies, institutions, exhibitions and major stores may need them to introduce activities or include news in their fields, and they are usually distributed free of charge. This step increases brand recognition and instillation in the mind, and it is usually a monthly, quarter or half magazine Annually as well, and now we will talk about the rules of design and what we must develop in the design of magazines.

1- The cover indicates the design

The cover always pushes the person to hold the magazine and browse, otherwise he will not do it, if you put gold and jewels in the magazine inside, without an attractive cover, you wasted your time and effort, of course, we do not want to exaggerate, but the cover is almost the most important page in the magazine, and there is no magazine design Successful without a smart, creative and attractive cover, if you were told not to judge a book’s content by its cover, magazine readers would judge a magazine by its cover, and their judgment would be harsher, as it would be ignored if the cover was boring, and surprisingly, you don’t need to invent a new cover for the magazine Just an attractive image, a headline, a subheading, and several smaller subheadings. You don’t need loud colors or crowds in the visual elements. Browse all the great magazine covers… you’ll find that the cover will usually look the same.

2- Pay attention to the contents page

Immediately after the cover comes the contents page, and this page does not come on the last page like books, just as the cover is the most important element in designing attractive magazines, the contents page comes in second place in terms of importance, and it entails with us a commitment to the sequence when the reader, he will like the cover that will catch The magazine to read it and then open it to know whether the content of the rest of the pages inside is on the same level as the cover or is it not. Therefore, when he reads the contents page and finds the topics that interest him, the titles draw his attention, he wants to turn the pages quickly to enjoy them, we were able to attract the reader to the magazine.

3- Pay attention to color

Of course, colors are an important way to highlight the pages of the magazine in the best way, especially with the development of printing techniques today, so designing color magazines will be accompanied by high expectations from the reader, because the era of black and white magazines ended almost since the sixties of the last century, and because the last era of people in magazines there was output Artistically wonderful most of the time, so you can mix several colors randomly so that the pages and the cover come out in a continuous noise, or mix them in an elegant and elegant way, so they are eye-catching without hustle or disturbance to the eye, this is your story Dear expert designer, will you be able to design magazine pages that are able to attract its reader To the last page without disturbing his eye?

4- We present to you the infographic

Creative magazine design does not depend on ideas outside the box only or the designer’s ability to innovate. Therefore, most design experts suggest including a set of infographics in the magazine, so that the magazine does not turn into a photo album without any important information or data. The reader feels an addition after completing it, not that he was browsing the portfolio of a professional photographer or designer, dear, very briefly, try Not only does the magazine have “beautiful” designs, you’ll need to design other “useful” things as well.

The 7 most important rules of magazine design

5- The perfect font and the right font

There is a beautiful, wonderful font that everyone who sees it and feels how artistic and creative it is, but when you write a verse or wisdom on the wall or it can even be used (in some cases) in designing a logo, for example, but in the design of magazines, most of it will be text, with percentage Not less than 70%.

For example, in most cases, you must provide suitable fonts, familiar with your reader, familiar in the sense that they are used extensively in his community, as well as easy and smooth in reading that does not require much effort to distinguish letters and words, and there is of course a very important rule that he knows Everyone… But don’t rely on it too much, that is, the font for the title is different from the font for the subtitle, and both are different from the font for the body.

6- Use teaser quotes

You can include quotes from the article, from the most interesting part of it, that interest the reader to read the rest of the article or report, for example, you would put a quotation sentence such as “One billion Saudi riyals is the annual rate of coffee consumption in Saudi Arabia”, in a report that does not care A lot about coffee consumption but the reader will like to know in what context this information is mentioned, which seems important and interesting to the reader, and these quotes should be consistent with the design, such as harmony with the white space on the pages, as well as with the layout of the pages and maintaining spacing It is appropriate between lines and words and ending paragraphs at a certain point on the page, not to complete a word on the second page and such things.

7- Be consistent with your field

Whether for journalistic, informational, awareness, or purely marketing purposes, the secret of magazine design lies in harmony. The magazine must be a single spirit of designs distributed over a number of pages, not that the contradiction between the pages is clear between each page and the next, also be consistent with your field And don’t be as vulgar as possible, fashion magazines, for example, should not be filled with dresses, fabrics, shows and models, and food magazines should not turn into a restaurant menu that takes pride in its dishes and puts its pictures everywhere. Be as simple as possible, consistent with all pages, consistent with the field you are designing for.

At Ocoda Design Services, we very much appreciate the importance of design and we know how to make each design a work of art suitable for its purpose, arouse the interest of those who see the design as well as make them smile, To talk about magazine design, contact us, you will be very happy when we receive

your request and study it with the utmost care to come up with the best designs for you that fit your goals and convey your messages in the best possible way.

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