The A-Z Guide of Web Design 2022

The A-Z Guide of Web Design 2022

Bad website design will destroy your brand. Bad, either professional or primitive, it is not a painting or a song, We can disagree about it or agree… A bad site will be agreed upon by everyone. Want to end your brand’s downfall? Pay attention to website design, Whether it is an online store, an online education platform, a service site, or even a personal website or a blog, without a good website, you are defeated.


What is web design?

This term refers to a set of integrated elements that lead to results that are visible on the website. These results can be summarized in 3 questions as follows: How does the website work? How does it appear to the user? How does the user feel while browsing?

The elements on which we rely are numerous and pertain to several angles, most notably:

  • The structure
  • Page layout
  • Colors and fonts
  • Pictures
  • Content

Each element belongs to a specific field, and the harmony of all these elements, which means that they are good as separate units, and at the same time mixed together to form one unit, their suitability to the quality of the site, its field of work and its purpose, all this creates the difference between bad and good web design – unfortunately -, and the results of this effort is evident in the so-called “user experience”, this will be explained later.

3 decades on the first step

There are now about 4.6 billion internet users worldwide, browsing millions of websites every day. This would have been difficult if not preceded by 3 decades of experimentation, development and continuous improvement.

From the Swiss research center Tim Berners-Lee made the first site in history for the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 1991, which still retains its first structure to monitor the development that took place.

In 2007 Apple introduced the first iPhone that could browse websites using HTML, allowing websites to be developed on phones as well and tuned to be adaptive. During those years, there were successive revolutions and a miraculous development.


The importance of good web design for business

1- Giving the first impression of your brand

Make sure that this impression is good as a reflection of the quality of your site design, Make sure that this impression is good as a reflection of the design quality of your site, and here is the result of what was mentioned above for the question: “What does the user feel when browsing?” According to what the user feels, the impression is made about your brand.


2- Enhances trust between the user and the brand

Again, with the result “How does it feel?” And based on the feeling when using it, if it is easy, clear, dazzling… the user will give you confidence.


3- Ensures customer conversion

Good website design can seamlessly guide your customers to your services, “How does it look?” Your website means it’s easy to access its options without distraction or confusion.


4- outperform your competitors

Good website design means that your services or products will be better presented, you can convey messages to the conscious or subconscious of users through it, you can attract competitors’ customers to you, or install existing customers and ensure their loyalty.

Put yourself on the other hand, you have a bad website design and your competitor has the advantage of a good website… you are in trouble!


5- Measuring customer service and their satisfaction

Just like in real stores and establishments, you have an organized headquarters, in a great area, and your employees have the necessary competence to serve customers, that’s what every business owner dreams about… well, that’s exactly web design, you have a good site, it occupies a special place in search results thanks to the efforts of The SEO and its good design, and it has all the answers to customer questions and their journey from viewing the product or service and hesitation to making a purchase or contracting decision, you are now the winner.


Web design vs web development, commonalities and differences

Despite the convergence and integration of the two terms, and the importance of the website designer’s work with the website developer, but there are fundamental differences in the way of working and the tools used, and we will quickly summarize them in that the designer pays attention to the aesthetic and technical aspect of the site, appearance, colors, fonts, coordination, tabs, etc., the developer moves to the other stage, Coding stage to turn these elements into vital icons and launch the website.

Website Attractions

1- visual elements:

A- Written texts:

If this is self-evident, it must be mentioned as well… The truth is that texts are no less important than appearance and colors, when texts are coherent, clear, and useful… the experience is better.


B- Fonts:

You must ask yourself why would you choose a font or font over another? Would you choose a font with sharp edges? Or the classic soft-drawn one? Whatever you choose, it should be in harmony with the colors and appearance and based on a vision and purpose, not random.


C- colors:

Each color you use expresses what you want to communicate in messages to the user’s consciousness, for example, red reflects energy and strength, blue reflects confidence and stability, orange reflects excitement and fun, purple reflects luxury as well as creativity, while yellow reflects happiness and vitality, while pink expresses care and hope, and green goes to Security, balance, growth, and finally lions, wealth and power. Which option would you like to go with for your user?


D- Layout:

Page layout and tabs will be very different. The goal of web design has always been to present information, so use the layout of pages to provide information without missing or excessive, what only meets the needs of the user.


E- Graphics and designs:

The graphics and designs that we add to the site come as an aesthetic method, which pushes the user to enjoy browsing your site and increases the flow of visitors to the site.


F- spaces:

Just as we talked – and we will talk – about the elements that you will add to the site, we must talk about the elements that you will not add, the spaces or spaces that you will leave between the elements as important as those that you will add, the more these spaces are balanced with images, if the spaces are balanced with images, texts, graphics, etc., the more the experience Convenient to the user.


G- Pictures and icons:

We agree that every element is as important as the rest. Images and icons can communicate messages, as do colors, text and graphics, and enrich the user journey of your site.


H- Videos:

With the popularity that videos have recently made and their increasing consumption by users, designers are especially interested in placing them in order to provide a comprehensive and integrated experience for those who browse the site.


2- Functional elements:

A- Easy to navigate:

We should not now mention the importance of your visitors to navigate between the pages of your site easily, providing access to the services you provide or the answers to the questions they ask smoothly, this is of course one of the best ways for users to relate to your site.


B- User interactions:

Your site must be suitable for all user interactions such as clicking, scrolling or typing, you must avoid errors that annoy the user such as pop-ups, play any video or audio automatically, as well as highlighting or coloring a word unless it is linked to a link.


C- Animation:

Adding animation usually adds to the website, and this is the point where the designer and developer must work together and agree on a methodology to activate it.


D- speed:

You should not test the patience of the Internet user, because he does not like to wait.. Millions of sites welcome their visitors, and if they have an advantage over you.. the user will go to them directly if you don’t give him what he wants directly.. The result will not like you, and you will not like Google’s crawlers either, It will appear less in search results.


And now… After we’ve provided a brief guide to the importance of web design and its highlights, are you still hesitant about the necessity of designing websites in the best possible way with continuous improvement?. Contact Ocoda now for more details

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