The Best Signage Design Techniques we Will Tell You About

The Best Signage Design Techniques we Will Tell You About

Signage design is one of the oldest design methods. It is true that it was primitive during the last century in most cases, and it became for the sake of identification only, that this is a dry cleaning, or a restaurant, and there is a barber.. But during the past decades it has gained great momentum and shop owners and brands are competing In making signages, and as its name suggests, the sign has the function of “drawing attention”, so the purpose is always to be eye-catching, and usually when we talk about design we should ask: What is the purpose of the design? In order for us to implement designs that are suitable for their end purposes, drawing attention is a top priority in signage design, so do you have time to read this article and talk about signage design? Let’s guess.. as long as you’re reading these words now, you sure want to learn.. so let’s take you on a journey around sign design.

Questions to ask before designing

1- What is the main purpose?

We said earlier that the purpose of designing the signs is to draw attention, as its name seems, but the purpose may vary depending on the place, it could be intended as a sign to know the place, and it could be a way to announce the presence of a business of this kind in the area, or to guide the lost To the place, the design of the sign and the information shown on it varies according to the intended purpose. It is true that all signs may be identical in purpose, but knowing the main purpose behind them will save a lot of time and effort.

2- Who is the target audience?

It seems to us that designing signage is like other types of designs that require us to know the target audience, but here it seems different because you want to draw your customer’s attention and therefore unless you can understand what he likes or what interests him, you will never be able, for example, to design a signage for a store that sells Accessories for university youth, for example, and the products are characterized by freedom and you come to use the black color and use an official font in white to reflect confidence, luxury and seriousness. The target audience must be studied well to know what things attract their attention.

3- Is there a sub-goal?

Except for drawing attention, as the essence of the design of any signage, and besides the main objective that we mentioned in a previous paragraph, we must ask is there a sub-purpose of the signage? This question takes us to several other details, specifically the information that will be placed on the sign.

The most important thing to know about store signage design

And now we move on to know the most important information that you must have when designing a signage that will help you a lot when designing your store signage or implementing the design for a client.

You only have 4 seconds

Unfortunately time isn’t always on your side, and for signage you have the least amount of time possible because you get people walking down the streets for a walk (in the best of conditions) or running to avoid being late for work or going somewhere, and you want to get them to stop and read your cool sign, of course There is no problem with your desire, he can do this but in a maximum of 4 seconds, try not to waste it.

A little can be a lot

Knowing that your time is very tight you shouldn’t crowd out the signage design, make it much better with tight time and rush people, and show them the items that fit in the situation, in short don’t show off your signage design skills, it’s no good Implementing creative design but nobody He will see or appreciate it.

Do not take your client to the exam

Whatever form you will present the store sign design in, do not make him confused about the nature of this place or business, you should not leave him confused with a single word, the sign can contain one sentence such as “The future of real estate investments” and it can add a cup of coffee to Any name to indicate that this is a restaurant, most of all to make anyone who sees the sign immediately aware of what it means.

Simplicity is more important than skill

You may be tempted to display your design skills in a lot of other designs and we may encourage you in some cases as long as you meet the design requirements, but when designing store signs, we stress that you should never show your skills at the expense of design, and if you choose between highlighting your experience or simplicity, choose simplicity immediately, and do not Leave room for 1% that you will make the sign in interlaced font or no color contrast.

Top 5 Store Signage Design Tips

1- Make it attractive to your customer

55% of purchases are made through impulsive decisions, therefore, the target audience must be studied and noticed by studying their interests and working on designing attractive signages for them. This does not mean that you abandon simplicity, but that you create from this simplicity an attractive and unique work.

2- Avoid crowding the sign

Paying a lot of elements such as texts, graphics, images, etc. can upset your customer and perpetuate your image in his mind, thus avoiding seeing the sign, and therefore beware of approaching your store even or getting an idea of ​​it, so make the sign attractive without losing customers.

3- Compatibility with visual identity

The signage should match your brand identity, there is no doubt that if someone sees your marketing design on the Internet or anywhere, and comes across your store or your distribution branch, don’t make them think too much about linking the two stores, the signage should express the identity colors because it is one of the Its products and its role is to enhance its image.

4- Pay attention to the contrast

The clearer the sign, the easier it is to read, and of course colors like orange with blue or like white on a black background might make it much better, and it will increase the effectiveness of the sign, in a competitive market, if the customer fails to read the name within 3 seconds he won’t be tired himself by trying, but his eye would automatically go to the sign which he would be able to read easily because it was more clear.

5- Effective font and high quality images

Use a font that is as familiar as possible so that it catches your customer’s eye and at the same time is clear, and if you attach pictures in the signage, make sure that these pictures are of high quality, poor pictures make your customer feel that your brand does not suit him or is less than the level he aspires to, so he will not take it into account .

If you want to design signage for your store, feel free to contact Ocoda Design Services, our design team can implement all types of design efficiently and effectively, you can contact us at any time and let us discuss your next design.

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