What everyone knows about social media designs and you don't

What everyone knows about social media designs and you don’t

Studies indicate that images are more attractive to the audience on social media platforms, so the implementation of social media designs is the ideal solution to present them to your audience on your pages on these platforms, and for this there is a significant recovery in the design market due to the popularity that you find visual materials more than texts, Therefore, today we will talk about how to implement social media designs and what should be taken into account. After reading this article, you will be familiar with the implementation of these designs and their quality standards and by hiring your own designer or assigning a professional design company that will be able to enhance your brand image through the attractive designs that you will publish, here is the complete guide.

Pre-implementation of social media designs

1- Select the appropriate platforms on which the designs will be presented

Each platform has specific age and social segments that you follow, and according to the target audience, you can narrow the scope to target the content directly to your audience, and achieve the greatest possible benefit, but without that you can create very professional and high-quality designs for social media, but put them in the wrong platform that your audience is not active on Originally, therefore, it will cost money, effort and time without return, just that you wanted to fish, so you went to the pool, both are water, but you are in the wrong water.

2- Define the target audience

Now that you have determined the platforms that will be offered, determine who your audience is and where it is actually active, and how you can hunt it, on what basis can you motivate your audience to buy or record data, or even arouse its curiosity about your brand, by understanding these things and that is done by specialists Of course, you can display the appropriate designs for him, talk to your designer about his experience in producing social media designs for this category, and you will find him familiar with such matters.

3- Understand the community standards for each platform

There are restrictions that Facebook places on content, especially with regard to images, or certain words, for example, you may see it as normal while it sees it according to its own standards offensive or violent, as well as Twitter as well as Instagram as well as Snapchat and other platforms, and it is not only about societal standards, but also about algorithms Presentation, for example, Facebook may pay attention to images at the expense of short texts, while the latter finds it a priority in Twitter, and thus, your social media specialist can have experience in what suits each platform.

Important rules for social media designs

1- Create campaigns not one design

It is not possible to ask for a picture in space like this or one design except in the narrowest of ways, but most of the time you have to ask your designer to make campaigns for you, and campaigns for design consist of several designs that serve the same goal essentially, and marginally you know the company’s products and activity Its vision and the messages it would like to convey to its audience.

2- Use the appropriate size

For every platform there is a size for every image you have to understand that it is very important in order to be presented in the best possible way, you don’t find that the margin is what tops the display while the essence of the design hides because of the size, your designer can know these sizes, especially if the design is to be placed as a cover or As a main image, as a story, or just a post.

3- RGB colors

In print designs, we learned that colors are in CYMK format, with a warning not to use RGB colors (contact us for more understanding about the difference between them). There is a difference between the two formats, as RGB colors are for digital display, that is, on the Internet only, and as long as you do not have to print these designs, but if you had to print them you would have to do a design in both formats.

4- Maintain consistency

You should never neglect visual consistency, preserve the visual identity of the brand, and put the creative touch on the designs, while the social media user sits to review the updates and looks at your design. It will undoubtedly pass quickly, so consistency and attention to visual form can never be overlooked as a basic rule in the implementation of effective designs.

5- More space for images than text

Usually designs focus on visual elements, and therefore the design should not be content displayed in an image, the control should be for images, visual elements and colors, and the content is as short and concise as possible, and the content should be compatible with the designs as much as possible And not be incompatible with it, so that the design is part of the content and not interfering with it.

6- keep it simple

Creativity does not mean complexity, nor does it mean that the user needs to stare for minutes at the design in order to be able to understand it or absorb the visual elements in it. Simple so that too much creativity is not counterproductive, and simplicity may also be necessary if the design is to be used for promotion.

7- Use items related to your audience

Know well how your audience interacts with the content, and what visual elements it attracts and use. A formal dress image cannot be used for a design based on fun or relaxation, also make it shareable, copy and exchange in chat groups, you can make great social media designs But it does not express your audience and does not target their interests and the things that attract them, so it is useless.

8- Choose colors carefully

Anytime you find us talking about designs of all kinds, you will find us mentioning the importance of choosing colors, and according to the mood and atmosphere you want to convey and the messages you want to communicate, you can choose the right colors, through the colors you can push your customer to take a step or unfollow your page on the platforms Social media immediately, and a large part of the choice of colors depends on the target segment you are going to.

9- Learn from previous designs

All studies and research can end up with nothing, for example, you can control everything and know what your audience is interested in and what can attract it and implement designs that suit it and in the end you do not find it achieve the desired result, why? There is no exact answer, the issue is bets and not chemical scientific research that deals with unequivocal facts, so test your audience and learn from previous designs by measuring the reaction and responding to it, to implement the following designs.

If the previous points about social media designs were useful to you, do not hesitate to contact us at Ocoda.com, as we have a full team of designers working around it, talented content writers as well as social media experts, we can provide you with our advice at all times.

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