What is digital identity and why is it important in marketing?

What is digital identity and why is it important in marketing?

In an era dominated by social media platforms and websites, digital identity becomes a necessity that cannot be overlooked, digital identity is a design for your brand using digital tools, enhancing its digital presence on the Internet by marketing it through digital means such as designs, attractive texts, popular videos, and applications With professional interfaces, and the application of different digital marketing trends, which are constantly changing according to the reasons that are added to this new science.

The importance of digital brand identity

There are many benefits that this identity provides for brands in terms of imposing their digital presence on the international information network, and we will present the most prominent of them in the following lines:

Brand awareness

One of the most important benefits that you derive from creating your digital identity and enhancing your digital presence online is the definition of the brand and its services or products, the nature of the business you provide, and what unique value you provide, and make you stand out from the competition.

Define your target audience

Existing platforms such as Facebook and Instagram provide targeting specific categories of customers, and allow easy access to them with your ads and posts on these platforms, so you only need to create attractive content to catch the eye of your customers.

From consumption to belonging

The digital presence of the brand enhances the level of interaction between you and customers, it is not just about buying or using services, but also making the customer feel that he belongs by identifying a set of qualities that those who give their loyalty to the brand have, and enjoy a certain lifestyle.

Ease and speed of access

With the ability to target specific audiences, with specific ages, social classes or residents of a specific area, you can quickly reach your audience and take your brand to the next level, and in a short period of time you can achieve higher results.

What are the main elements of a digital identity?

Now that we’ve talked about the benefits of digital presence and how you can benefit from it in your business, we will now talk about the most important elements that make up your digital identity and make your company or business rise and go to the next level.

1- Brand personality

The first stage of the establishment of digital identity, we can say that it is before the kick-off, is to “humanize” the brand and make it look like humans, in the sense that you must define the brand’s behaviors, how to act, how to deal, and the highest level is the expectation of your customers For the next action from you, i.e. if a customer writes a positive or negative review, customers will expect what the response will be in both cases, if a general issue arises, customers will expect the brand’s position on the issue, and the more positive those expectations are, the more that brand becomes in level one.

This “humanization” theory means to place the brand in a position like humans, making customers relate to it emotionally, and establish a human relationship based on trust and respect, and positive “company values” based on honesty and civility, with the need to adhere to them, can be used to lay the first building block in building a brand personality.

2- The logo is the title of the identity

After the first step, which is based on controlling the company’s moral matters, which is based on the values ​​that the company sets for itself, we move to the next step, which is related to visual matters, how you can draw your customer’s attention to you, and the first step in building the digital identity for the visual aspect is the logo , which can save your brand from going into oblivion, if it is distinctive and wonderful and able to persist in the memory of everyone who sees it, which is also an embodiment of the values ​​we talked about earlier, so that we surround the customer from the emotional side as well as the visual side, and remember well that we address human beings They feel, love and relate to things, even if they are intangible.

3- How do colors represent your company?

Colors help visually build the digital identity of brands, because they speak to customers from a psychological point of view. Colors influence the minds of consumers subconsciously, and push them to make a decision, it does not matter if the decision is to sell, but save your products to decide on them, at an appropriate time, it means you’ve been eye-catching, and the customer doesn’t want to forget you.

Colors evoke the feelings of customers and they are emotionally and mentally connected to the brand through colors, as each color expresses a set of feelings, you can send them in viewers, of course the meaning of colors varies according to each culture, but in most colors colors lead to the same feelings, especially since they are derived from nature Red represents heat (fire), love (rose), and danger (blood).

Green is also serenity and freshness (plants and trees), blue is relaxation, calm and clean (sea and sky) as well as you can simulate that on all colors, but despite that a professional designer can take into account the society he is heading to, and knows very well if the color he will use has a negative cultural impact in This community or not.

4- Fonts used

Typography can be used, or choose fonts from those offered by design programs, but these fonts must express the nature of the business, be attractive to the target segment, and make the customer feel the values ​​that the company commits itself to, for example, it cannot put lines with sharp edges and is inspired by geometric shapes For products concerned with natural sources of cosmetics, the letters should be more streamlined, relying on streamlined aesthetics and free curves, rather than sharpness or straightness.

5- Pictures

In brand photography sessions, or even selecting images from free or paid stock photo platforms, the images should be relevant, consistent with the digital presence of the brand, this aligns with the idea we talked about and makes customers anticipate the next image you will upload, images serve to document for your online journey, as pearls in one necklace, harmonious and integrated.

6- Tone-of-voice

Tone-of-voice is the way you speak to your customers, which must be entirely consistent with your values, choosing between being fun, friendly, or formal, the language is as simple as what the street speaks, or closer to official speeches from high places, Is The tone seems dignified or more close to the street, the exact tone is different from the way you address your manager in the office, or the way you address your friend in the coffee shop, and there should not be a dissonance between the tone and the values ​​of the company and its entire identity, but rather it should complement it.

7- User Interface/User Experience

The user experience is no less important than any of the previous elements, in the end, the user cannot struggle to reach your services or products, or know their details, and the user experience is the customer journey on your website, and the transition between pages can be inspired From the image that the brand would like to paint for itself, meaning to be smooth if the smoothness and ease is the distinguishing feature of the brand, or sharp and digitized if the services provided by the company are digital, and so on.

At Ocoda, we can create the concept of digital identity, design its elements, and follow up fully with the customer, because we have the experience and competence that enables us to introduce new methods and develop the way the digital identity is built.

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