Explain the visual identity design and the best design

Explain the visual identity design and the best design

Explain the visual identity design and the best design

1 year ago
Tags :  Explain the visual identity design and the best design


The design of a visual identity overlaps with what humans like in general, they are inclined to the visual product, and interact with it more than the rest of the senses. Smells excite us, the texture comforts us, and we enjoy listening to the sweet sound, but the visual content comes at the top of the list, so the podcast attracted many people, but the Tik Tok reel achieved Millions of views a day, millions around the world keep pulling it to infinity, starting with the first homo sapiens who printed the palm of his hand on the walls of the cave, in an attempt to express artistic visual and through the paintings of the Renaissance, until the emergence of the art of cinema, the visual content achieved only more and more control .

In the world of marketing, you can test this by making your brand a visual product that people are constantly waiting to consume. Therefore, visual identity comes as a way to go in marketing as far as possible, which is to attract people's eyes and ingrain in their minds, and this is what we will talk about in this article.

The meaning of visual identity design is its importance

What is meant by visual identity is the sum of the visual elements through which you can distinguish and recognize the brand, which is the visual representative or visual embodiment of this brand, the most prominent products of this visual brand logo, the approved colors for it, and permanent illustrations through which we can identify the The brand as soon as we see it because it has been associated in our minds with it.

It is designed by a creative artist called a graphic designer who can integrate a set of aesthetic elements and test each of them to become the brand identity, which is determined by the target audience, and based on the feelings that the brand wants to evoke in its audience, and the tone in which it speaks to them, to come all the elements Harmonious and integrated marketing.

The importance of visual identity is that constant exposure to it will create an emotional connection between customers and the brand. If you are a jewelry store, for example, the association will always come between you and the jewelry in your customer's mind and that will be his first choice.

5 features that make a good visual identity design

1- Suitable for your target audience

The visual identity can be beautiful and wonderful, but it is not suitable for your target audience and interests, and to show a simple example, it cannot be presented in calm colors, or dark, with graphic elements that go with adults, in order to make them the elements of the visual identity of a children's toy store, so you can measure it, The visual identity must take into account the age group, social class, educational level, cultural differences of each community, as well as the nature of the products themselves or the services offered by the brand.

2- original

Although ideas are not generated by themselves, and a visual identity cannot be designed without inspiration from other ideas, but there can be no imitation, there must be a concept that stems primarily from the values ​​and messages of the brand, and we say this point because sometimes the brand owner looks For competitors, it tries to develop the identity of the competitor, so that the final product comes out as a metamorphosis without any originality. Therefore, the visual identity must be made original and stems mainly from the values ​​and messages of the brand and achieve its goals.

3- Easy to remember

The best you can do is to make it memorable, and that you achieve it with simplicity, you don't need to clutter to make the visual identity stick in the mind, you can do this with simple elements, appropriate colors, expressive symbols, and fonts that reflect the direction of the brand and convey its messages.

4- Timeless

It is not as if it was against evolution, but think about the logo and identity of the largest brands, you will find that they have undergone some evolution, simple touches to keep up, but they have not been completely erased, creating a visual identity that can withstand changes and does not need to be changed every period because time is outdated, and this It requires advice that the visual identity not be subject to trends or popular trends that quickly fade, but rather create the trend, and stick to your original idea.

5- Flexible enough

You have to make the identity capable of being displayed on billboards in the streets, as well as on Internet pages, or printed on the company's cups, or decorating envelopes of correspondence, flexibility also imposes on it to be subject to the necessary development touches over time, visual identity design does not mean never deadlock.


The most important elements of visual identity design


The logo is the symbol through which customers recognize your brand, it is the embodiment of the brand and its abbreviation in colors, shapes, fonts and sometimes slogan, it should be as simple as possible, and expressing the spirit of your brand and the nature of its business, we can be satisfied with the name only, even if the name is long It can be replaced by the first letter, as well as it can be a symbol that expresses the nature of your brand and sticks in the minds of your customers.


Each color evokes a certain feeling in your customers, you should know what you want to evoke in your customers when seeing your brand identity, is it a feeling of energy, or relaxation? Luxury or simplicity? Exclusivity or intimacy? Each feeling is evoked by a specific color, and to provoke more than one feeling, more than one color can be used. The compatibility of colors with each other is known by most designers, and all professionals among them, and it is also taken into account that these colors will be in all your marketing products as well.


There is no fixed rule that fits all the visual identities of brands with regard to font, but it must be appropriate to the identity, and the skill to make the font expressive of the direction of the brand, give another dimension to the language, and it also depends on other things related to spacing between the letters, the size of the letters, and the typography should be: readable, persistent, flexible, can communicate.


In the past, they said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is true. Photographs in designing a visual identity must express your brand and tell its story. Pictures move the brand from the stage of colors and symbols to a new stage in which the visual identity appears more, and makes it memorable. More, and create a cohesive look for your brand, and the images should be appropriate, for example if the brand is for modern clothes, the model should not stand reverently and steadily, it can be more free, but if formal wear it will be the opposite, and photographs and retouches come, to show The skill and ability of the photographer, of course.


These graphic elements in the design of a visual identity are an extension of your brand and express it, you can influence with the use of icons and distinctive graphics that carry the functions of adding complementary dimensions to your brand, watermarks, icons, presentation elements, etc. Attentive to detail, promoting continuity, these elements must be chosen with the utmost care and it is left entirely to the designer who can choose the right graphics for the brand and also eye-catching that will stick in the minds of the customers and make them relate to the brand.

If you want to discuss more about creating a visual identity design for your brand, you can contact the Ocoda team, which has a selection of the best expert and creative designers, feel free to contact us and let us discuss your next design