Why is motion graphics the most important in all areas?

Why is motion graphics the most important in all areas?

Why is motion graphics the most important in all areas?

1 year ago
Tags :  Why is motion graphics the most important in all areas?

Motion graphics did not become this important except as a result of the development of the design industry over the past decades. It is no longer limited to moving images only. This may suit the sixties, for example, but now the way we breathe life into drawings has made it much more interesting, whether At the level of implementation or reception, it is true that implementation experts will find it very cumbersome, but the final product is worth, in addition to the great hospitality with which the audience interacts with these products, making it very beautiful, and any creator can forget his tired hours.

The theory of the importance of motion graphics can be extended to almost all fields. It is required all the time, for several reasons. It is required in the fields of education, marketing, awareness, social and training, as well as entertainment.

The importance of motion graphics in marketing?

Marketers use this technology as the simplest way to convey brand messages, as well as the most creative. These simple animations come as a more effective alternative to traditional videos, because they are more imaginative, more firmly rooted in memory, and more able to reach the mind and emotion of the viewer, but they Low cost, time and effort compared to the usual videos, for example, the usual single video needs to equip studios, outdoor shooting locations, photographers, lighting workers, professional actors, great director, assistants, permits, coloring and post-production, while the motion graphics video needs a fertile mind and creative imagination of the writer, And a Motion designer has the same amount of imagination and mental clarity, and from here it is possible to promote a service or product in one video that does not exceed a minute and a half, so the use of Motion has become common during the past years, especially with the technical development in it.

5 reasons people associate with motion graphics

Some people may think that it is a beautiful animation, and not that it is a unique way to reach people, to mix their ideas and to penetrate their depths, the unique mixture of story, sound, movement, images and graphics makes it really special, people love stories, and this is one of the most beautiful ways And more innovative storytelling.. Here are 5 reasons why people relate to this amazing method, which is why every marketer should use it.

1- full of feelings

The beauty of this wonderful way of presenting content is that it affects our feelings, it is full of emotion, with characters whose designers are keen to be close to their audience, we feel that they are a reflection of us, so they always gain our sympathy, Motion videos tell wonderful stories and life experiences in a short period, They come to animate us with colors, ambiance and attractive characters, they give us story and brand attachment, they deliver the messages of the video in the best way, and they also leave an emotional bond.

2- The best way to transfer information

The visual product is the best in terms of communicating information, as the brain processes the information transmitted visually faster than that of text or audio, that is, when you see in front of you information that is transmitted through a visual medium, the brain absorbs it better than what you read or hear, a study showed Conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the brain is able to process the visually transmitted information in a fraction of a second, so motion graphics are commonly used in the following areas:


When you want to communicate new information to someone in an educational way, you need to show him this information, not just tell him or read it to him, as this will ensure that you get the most benefit and that the educational process is going on the right track.


When you explain to someone how something works, what are the steps of doing it or the steps to implement it, motion graphics is the best way for you to explain the sequence from start to finish, and with great motion designers it becomes interesting and entertaining as well.

Visual data:

When you want to convey solid data such as large numbers and compare them with other numbers, it is difficult to take the narrative method, which can confuse the listener, as opposed to presenting it in the form of moving graphs capable of reaching his mind.

Abstract Concepts:

Objects are divided into embodied elements and abstract elements. An embodied object is anything that has a physical presence that can be touched, and therefore can be expressed easily. The door has a body, as do the window, the chair, and the mobile, all of these are things that can be touched, while in the abstract they are all concepts that cannot be touched, if it were The chair is an embodied word. Sitting is an abstract concept. Sitting cannot be touched. The phone can be touched but the call cannot be touched. Thus, on a larger scale, it is difficult to communicate more complex abstract concepts, and explain them only through a motion graphic that simplifies them.

3- Less mental effort

When we say that the content of videos is the dominant medium these days, we do not blame reading, of course, as it is important and useful to the fullest extent, and we do not underestimate the pleasure of listening to the radio or podcasts, but they require great mental energy compared to watching the video, especially since most studies indicate that The current Internet user consumes watching video more than any other medium, and is not ashamed to admit that this is the age of video without exaggeration, and that visual content prevails, we are not saying that the rest of the media is not important (we still provide our content in the form of texts as you can see) but We always find that the visual content is the most effective, especially since it does not need to make a great effort to absorb it or understand the information it contains.

4- Multi-use

It can be launched on your social media platforms, as well as on your website, it can be presented as a business portfolio for your company and can be included in the company profile, it can also be displayed in your exhibitions or events, and it can also be divided into micro clips that may not exceed 5 seconds as needed and display These few clips are according to the need only who will see this video, so the importance of motion graphics comes to become one of the most important visual media, as it can be rotated, deleted and added at any updates, so your motion video will be of a wide-ranging marketing nature unlike other works that take their period Then it becomes expired.

5- Short, useful, and interesting

This medium differs from others in that it is short, so that its duration will not exceed 3 minutes in most cases, yet it is useful for marketing and advertising. A study conducted in 2015 found that watching only 10 seconds of motion videos is able to contribute to brand recognition, and enhance purchase intent. And because it is interesting, many viewers will not be satisfied with only 10 seconds, because it is filled with intense emotions and attractive graphics that have been moved with great skill, as we said above, and for these features it is most suitable for marketing these days.

You can now contact Ocoda Design Services, as it has a team of creative Motion designers and script writers, who can design your Motion Graphics video in the best way, feel free to contact us and let us discuss your next design